I posted this as a new thread but no one responded and I was wondering what your opinion is:
Recently I had a broody with seven eggs under her. Of the seven, five eventually did hatch. At first, only three hatched and then came a fourth. But the fourth was only a few hours old when momma hen decided to show the chicks around. The other three were about two days old, but the fourth was much too young. He kept getting stepped on and all he wanted was warmth. I saved him and put him in my bator. I went to look at the remaining three eggs and one of them was pipped. So I took the remaining eggs and put them in the bator as well. Overnight, the fifth one hatched. The next night, I snuck the chicks under their mother hoping she would accept them. In the morning I checked, and the chicks were nowhere to be seen. During this whole story, I forgot to mention that my leghorn had just gone broody the same week. I decided to check under her... and... POOF, the two missing chicks were under her! She had only been broody for about a week, maybe less. She took good care of the two chicks, but she never lets me get near them since she is the most unfriendly chicken I have. Anyways, one day I came home and one of her chicks was missing... I still have no idea where he went but I can only assume that he is dead. So she was left with one chick. I went on vacation, and I when I came back, the leghorn was sitting on six eggs along with the chick. I figured they were just taking a break together; coincidentally over some eggs. Everyday I check on her, and every day she sits on those eggs. The little chick just wanders around the coop aimlessly. And once when I was feeding the flock bread, he came out on his own to get some bread, maybe he was just really hungry from staying with momma on the eggs. I was going to remove him and put him with my six incubator chicks since it seems that my leghorn has gone broody again and is neglecting her chick, but when I tried to pick him up, she came over and attacked me. So, to some extent, it appears that she knows that it is her chick. She lets it wander wherever it wants, but if I get near it, she goes bezerk. I am worried that the chick will be starved to death or die of thirst if it stays with its momma because she just sits on the nest all day, paying no mind to him unless I try to pick him up. So my question is: should I remove him and put him with my incubator chicks? Please help! Thanks.
I have 4 chicks that are 10 weeks and I was wondering what crumble feed is and when can they have it? I just switched them over from their starter to the grower finisher feed from Tractor Supply. Thanks :)
Are you familiar with the Rhode Island White breed? I have some from two different hatcheries and they are beautiful birds, very gentle and probably the most docile chickens I have ever had. I got them as I plan on breeding them with a standard Rhode Island Red rooster in order to get some Gold Sex Links, better know as Golden Comets or Cinnamon Queens. I just hope they lay as well as a standard RIR also.

The breed seems rather unusual as few people I've spoken to have ever heard of them, have you had any experience with them?
yes I have heard about them... I bought some BR from a man who had a few of them! Cant say I have ever had any experience with them though
I posted this as a new thread but no one responded and I was wondering what your opinion is:
Recently I had a broody with seven eggs under her. Of the seven, five eventually did hatch. At first, only three hatched and then came a fourth. But the fourth was only a few hours old when momma hen decided to show the chicks around. The other three were about two days old, but the fourth was much too young. He kept getting stepped on and all he wanted was warmth. I saved him and put him in my bator. I went to look at the remaining three eggs and one of them was pipped. So I took the remaining eggs and put them in the bator as well. Overnight, the fifth one hatched. The next night, I snuck the chicks under their mother hoping she would accept them. In the morning I checked, and the chicks were nowhere to be seen. During this whole story, I forgot to mention that my leghorn had just gone broody the same week. I decided to check under her... and... POOF, the two missing chicks were under her! She had only been broody for about a week, maybe less. She took good care of the two chicks, but she never lets me get near them since she is the most unfriendly chicken I have. Anyways, one day I came home and one of her chicks was missing... I still have no idea where he went but I can only assume that he is dead. So she was left with one chick. I went on vacation, and I when I came back, the leghorn was sitting on six eggs along with the chick. I figured they were just taking a break together; coincidentally over some eggs. Everyday I check on her, and every day she sits on those eggs. The little chick just wanders around the coop aimlessly. And once when I was feeding the flock bread, he came out on his own to get some bread, maybe he was just really hungry from staying with momma on the eggs. I was going to remove him and put him with my six incubator chicks since it seems that my leghorn has gone broody again and is neglecting her chick, but when I tried to pick him up, she came over and attacked me. So, to some extent, it appears that she knows that it is her chick. She lets it wander wherever it wants, but if I get near it, she goes bezerk. I am worried that the chick will be starved to death or die of thirst if it stays with its momma because she just sits on the nest all day, paying no mind to him unless I try to pick him up. So my question is: should I remove him and put him with my incubator chicks? Please help! Thanks.
If the baby chick shows signs of growing and still has energy or no signs of illness i would leave the chick with the mother... as long as their is food and water in with him, he will get up and eat and drink... Mom knows its her chick she is protecting it and will get off the eggs to do it so she not gonna let him just suffer and die. I would NOT remove the chick from mother and mix it with other birds cause then when or if you introduce them back together again it will just make things crazy and start everything all over again! Just keep an eye on the chick make sure its doing ok and if so let mom continue to do her thing
im trying to find a chart or info on how to age a chicken.
i think my chickens are 9 weeks at the least ( i know this) but they may be older... any help on where to go ? or how to tell
im trying to find a chart or info on how to age a chicken.
i think my chickens are 9 weeks at the least ( i know this) but they may be older... any help on where to go ? or how to tell
I dont think a chart is gonna be able to really help you... you can post a pic of your chicks and we all can tell you how old we think it is and believe it or not I have seen people on here get closer than any chart ever could... I dont believe they make a chart for it but I will look one up and see
I need help please! When one of my chickens are eating its very difficult for her to swallow, she will raise her head up like she is stretching it and makes a weird loud noise like crowing, also she acts like she cant breath while her head is in the air.i feel so bad and I have no clue what to do please help. it is very hard for me to explain in text sorry.

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