asked a million times but here it is again

I have no experience with this myself, but I have heard that if you have no rooster in the flock, one hen will stop laying and take over the alpha role in the flock. Perhaps you lost one hen's contribution to the eggs and then the mix-up in the pecking order accounts for the drop in production by the other hens? Does that sound logical to the more experienced chicken owners around?

That's a funny one! I just had to laugh. But then again, some people actually don't know.
It don't matter what, mammals, reptiles, birds or amphibians (although I'm not totally sure about the last one) all females can create eggs and don't need a male to do it. (yes that is humans too) but if you want to fertilize that egg, you gotta have a rooster or male of what ever species we are talking about...

Anyway, it is hard to say why your girls are on the blitz... maybe they are depressed they no longer have their man around or maybe they just are celebrating cause he was a mean old task master and forced them to lay all the time... Who knows... but I'm with the previous posters and think it'll get back to normal eventually...
When I removed my roo, it took the girls a few days to get back to laying. Productivity doubled after that! He wasn't a nice roo and they seem MUCH happier w/o him...
This is true. The lead chicken keeps watch. I have never had roos in my suburban flocks. If a hawk flies over the run the other birds bolt for the coop but she stands there and watches and then sounds an all clear. She also runs over to a bird who is calling out in distress (like when they don't want to be held by my kids). And while she almost never pecks any of the other birds, which second in command does with relish, she will break up a fight when numbers three and four are picking on the lower rung pecking order birds.

I'm guessing they are adjusting to the change in your flock. Little things can make them stop laying. Mine don't like storms and production drops if there is thunder or hail.

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