Asking for your thoughts


Dec 22, 2017
I haven’t posted in a while, I was so busy with the exams and deadlines.
I’ve been recently concerned about Cookie and Daisy. I figured Cookie is losing weight while she’s eating normal and thankfully she’s not laying any egg( just those abnorml eggs rarely), her wings’ feather doesn’t look so good and she’s kinda molting I guess for a 3rd or 4th time since spring! On the other hand, Daisy looks depressed, Her nostrils are blocked most of the day but her weight is fine! Her weight was so important for me Especially after the surgery she had a few months ago. She doesn’t lay eggs since then which I have no complains.
But a few days ago I found something odd, the feathers around her vent was messy when I had a colser look it was dried with poop! Which is odd, I’ve never seen an adult duck or hen like this. I mean they always clean that area. I washed it in an epsom salt bath. I figured her poop is diarrhetic and white-ish and then I checked cookie’s poop and she had diarrhoea and her poop is too smelly.
First I had a guess that its bacterial infection so I added doxy to their water for three days mixed with AD3E(I wasn’t sure if it is infection). And today I added levamisole to their water in case it’s worms. Are the worms visible in their poops? Cause I’ve never seen worms in their poops but I use dewormer for them every 6months anyway.
I would like to ask about your thoughts
How often do they get to bathe in water?
They have a little pool with fresh water available all the time(everyday), they do the preening and duck their head in it but they never actually jump in the pool! They had the fear of water since they were ducklings.
I put them in the epsom salt tub a few times a week anyway.
Only a pretty heavy worm load would show up in their poop. Tell us again what you are feeding them.
Oh, I’ve been relieved. I thought I am making the wrong call giving them levamisole.
Pretty much everything, veggies, wheat,oats, powdered corn, chickens pellets, boiled eggs sometimes, rice/pasta once in a while, mealworms ..
Since duck butts lay on the ground when they are laying around poop can build up and if they aren’t bathing much especially the back end area it can dry and stick. Bathing and preening and good feed will be the best for feather quality. You shouldn’t be seeing molting so often though unless it’s just a few feathers off an on. That’s normal
They have a little pool with fresh water available all the time(everyday), they do the preening and duck their head in it but they never actually jump in the pool! They had the fear of water since they were ducklings.
I put them in the epsom salt tub a few times a week anyway.

I think that's the problem, Ducks need to bathe full body in water frequently or they are going to end up with problems like you have listed.
Oh, I’ve been relieved. I thought I am making the wrong call giving them levamisole.
Pretty much everything, veggies, wheat,oats, powdered corn, chickens pellets, boiled eggs sometimes, rice/pasta once in a while, mealworms ..

Chicken feed or duck feed should make up most of there diet. Treats should only be given on occasion. Could you post a picture of them so we know how bad they look?It sounds like they are more than likely suffering from wet feather.

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