Aspirin and Turmeric for chickens


Jun 6, 2020
Hello! I am trying to nurse back to health an 11 week old chick who has wry neck from a possible brain injury/trauma. I have been giving her 1/4 of a baby aspirin twice a day in her food to control inflammation, as we do not have access to prednisone. She has been on the aspirin for 3-4 days and I know that chickens can't have aspirin for longer than that, as it can cause intestinal bleeding. So, I would like to switch her to turmeric, which I have heard good things about. However, I saw online that turmeric can be a blood thinner in excessive amounts, as is aspirin. Would it be bad to give her turmeric right after having been on aspirin? Could I safely give her about 1/8 teaspoon a day for several days and then start to decrease the dose, or would that be too much?

I also have another question about my little chicken. She has been not pooping normally. She poops twice a day, and for the past couple days, it has been large amounts of very smelly projectile diarrhea. Any idea what would be causing this and how I can treat it?

There are more questions I had about my chick in my previous thread. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!!!
Hello! I am trying to nurse back to health an 11 week old chick who has wry neck from a possible brain injury/trauma. I have been giving her 1/4 of a baby aspirin twice a day in her food to control inflammation, as we do not have access to prednisone. She has been on the aspirin for 3-4 days and I know that chickens can't have aspirin for longer than that, as it can cause intestinal bleeding. So, I would like to switch her to turmeric, which I have heard good things about. However, I saw online that turmeric can be a blood thinner in excessive amounts, as is aspirin. Would it be bad to give her turmeric right after having been on aspirin? Could I safely give her about 1/8 teaspoon a day for several days and then start to decrease the dose, or would that be too much?

I also have another question about my little chicken. She has been not pooping normally. She poops twice a day, and for the past couple days, it has been large amounts of very smelly projectile diarrhea. Any idea what would be causing this and how I can treat it?

There are more questions I had about my chick in my previous thread. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!!!
Are you giving her a multi-vitamin supplement? Wry neck can be caused by vitamin deficiency also. Try Poly Vi Sol (w/o iron).
I have no idea about turmeric whether it would be good or not. I would stop the aspirin for sure. Is there a reason you are thinking head injury??
How old is your little chicken? Are there any other birds with diarrhea - what color is it? It could be suspicious for coccidiosis. Are you giving her medicated feed? Was she vaccinated for coccidiosis?
Lots of questions but your answers will help to narrow down the possibilities :)
I am following Alan Stanford's wry neck treatment plan. I am giving her a little less than the recommended doses, as they are for a 2 lb chicken. My chick Luna is about 1.5 lbs. She gets almost 400 IU of vitamin E twice a day. She also gets 1/5 piece of large vitamin B complex capsule and about 20 mg of selenium once a day. I am also giving her about 1/2 a scrambled egg a day, with her food.

I think she has a head injury as she was pecked so much/hard that she lost her eye. I wrote more about her in my first thread, if anything there is helpful. Since her injury she has had wry neck, which can be caused my trauma or brain injury.

Luna is around 11 weeks old. There are no birds to my knowledge that also have the diarrhea. They are not on medicated feed and were not vaccinated. She did poop earlier today, and it looked a little more formed but still pretty soft. It maybe also didn't smell as bad. The diarrhea is a similar orange-ish color that the B vitamins are, maybe she is getting too much of those? She also seems pretty warm, almost hot when I hold her, especially around her head. Is she just warm because she is being held all day, or could she have a fever?

Thank you for your help!
I am following Alan Stanford's wry neck treatment plan. I am giving her a little less than the recommended doses, as they are for a 2 lb chicken. My chick Luna is about 1.5 lbs. She gets almost 400 IU of vitamin E twice a day. She also gets 1/5 piece of large vitamin B complex capsule and about 20 mg of selenium once a day. I am also giving her about 1/2 a scrambled egg a day, with her food.

I think she has a head injury as she was pecked so much/hard that she lost her eye. I wrote more about her in my first thread, if anything there is helpful. Since her injury she has had wry neck, which can be caused my trauma or brain injury.

Luna is around 11 weeks old. There are no birds to my knowledge that also have the diarrhea. They are not on medicated feed and were not vaccinated. She did poop earlier today, and it looked a little more formed but still pretty soft. It maybe also didn't smell as bad. The diarrhea is a similar orange-ish color that the B vitamins are, maybe she is getting too much of those? She also seems pretty warm, almost hot when I hold her, especially around her head. Is she just warm because she is being held all day, or could she have a fever?

Thank you for your help!
Seems like you are doing everything I would, so I going to bump you...
@aart @Eggcessive
I know nothing about herbal dosages. Tumeric is discussed in a lot of poultry research for health, but few articles give dosage. It probably wouldn’t hurt to use a small sprinkle on feed. They discuss the extract in some articles. I would treat with the vitamins for a couple of weeks to see if you can see improvement. Feeding moist chicken feed with a little egg would be good to do a couple of times a day, and that has enough selenium, which can be overdosed. There could also be a possibility that the wry neck could be due to something else, such as Mareks disease, but hopefully not.

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