Assess thyself

From 4th grade? Who cares. I think your main problem is that you spend all of your time at home and don't interact with kids your age.
I interact with individuals my age, online, LOL. Finding relatable individuals in real life who are my age has proven to be difficult. I also don't need nor desire more than 1-2 close friendships.
Heck, given the hours you sleep, I'm guessing you don't even get a chance to interact with your parents. :(
I'm actually on a decent sleep schedule right now, I got up around 6 AM.
I interact with individuals my age, online, LOL.
That doesn't count.
Finding relatable individuals in real life who are my age has proven to be difficult.
I understand. Have you ever thought about joining 4H or FFA?
I also don't need nor desire more than 1-2 close friendships.
That's okay, but you really should learn how to interact with people your own age in real life.
I'm actually on a decent sleep schedule right now, I got up around 6 AM.
That's good.
It does!

Not really.

I have interacted with people my age in real life in the past, and those interactions did not suggest that I didn't know how.
Meh. Friends are overrated... unless they're hot girls or something (for you, not me, I swear).

You just really have to get outside every day and walk that fat ass dog of yours. I prefer my dogs to many people.

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