Assist hatch or wait longer for button quail?

Okay that was a little overly optimistic of me... even when I managed to get the tape on with the toes fairly straight he couldn't really walk that way. I guess I just had to try 😮‍💨🤷‍♀️

Ok so I tried again this time with bandaids and it seems not too bad. Not sure how straight the toes are staying but she's able to move around fairly fast and she seems pretty scrappy. Eating and drinking. They're my only 3 and as long as she doesn't seem to be suffering I don't mind the effort. 🤞🤞
Glad she’s responding and getting around! Yes taping buttons is extra challenging because so tiny!
Nick Offerman Popcorn GIF by NBC

Watching for updates on her progress!
Yeah I think the incubator I got isn't very good. I had two thermometer/hygrometers in the incubator which were reading differently both from each other and from the incubator 🤦🏻‍♀️. I had the incubator running 2 days before I put my eggs in, temp and humidity were on point until I opened it to add the eggs. Temp was set to 100F then the inside thermometers would be reading low (off by 2 degrees!), then when I'd bump it up to 101 inside thermometers would read higher than my target of 100. Also, I had difficulty controlling the humidity with the auto-fill water feature. More than once I had to take some water out with a paper towel. If I do this again I think I'll have to spring for a better (more expensive 😬) incubator.

Thanks for imparting your knowledge/experience!🙏
:clap Bandaid shoes are off! Did a water soak with a tiny bit of baby soap. Toes are much straighter though not as separated as the others but at least the feet are making contact with the ground. Walking a bit awkwardly but hopefully just adjusting now that the bandaids are off. This is her (or him? 🤷‍♀️) in the front
Front and back are males, middle appears to be female
That's a looooong time for hatching for buttons, mine pip on day 16/17 and are mostly all out by day 18. Sounds like u had the bator temp too low and the humidity way too high. I keep my humidity at a steady 50% throughout the who incubation and hatching process. And keep the temp at 99-100°F.

Pipping at day 20 is definately an indicator of too low temperature. Did u just use ur units thermometer? They tend to run a good couple of degrees colder thn u need it depending on the models. Always use an independent hydrometer inside the bator as well so u know where ur machine is at. Mine runs at machine gaged temp 40°C when internal temps are 37.3 ... thats a huge discrepancy.
I had my incubator at 99.5 to 100 the first 14 days and the humidity level i didn't try keeping up during the first 14 days so inside the incubator was any 10%. When i locked it down at the end of day 14 i raised the humidity to about 70% and the next morning u checked and i had a couch running around like crazy at day 15. I had another one last night at ended if day 16 that the shell was cracked all around but it wouldn't remove it so my husband removed the tip this morning. It guy it but never stood. His feet were very curled and he just moved around laying in his side. I found him stiff and not breathing around 3 this afternoon. I have a 3rd egg that had a hole and you can see the beak poking thru but it's been like that for any 6 hours now and really no change. When should i intervene and maybe take the top off? Dinner the 2bd chick died like it did i don't want to rush it. I have seen 2 other eggs kinda Rich back and forth by themselves today but no crack or chip in the egg
Hello! 👋
New here, looking for advice.
I'm hatching button quail and I know this is a frequent question, I've read some of the other posts and going back and forth trying to decide if I should assist one of my chicks that has pipped and not making progress.
Background info - this is my first ever hatch, 12 went into incubator. On day 20 now, first two chicks hatched late at night on day 17 and early morning day 18. None of the other eggs showed any signs of hatching. I had quickly moved the two over to my brooder after they dried out. Then the evening of day 18 I noticed one pipping. He made some progress yesterday but this morning when I checked the egg looks the same, no more progress since last night. I can still see his little beak moving but it's now been over 24hrs, close to 36hrs. Do I intervene?
Attaching pictures. The incubator is probably not the best but it's what I could afford, automatic turner but had some temp issues at times where I had to bump up the temp as inside thermometer reading low. For instance right now set at 100 and reading 98. Humidity has been consistent 70-75 since lockdown.
I've just had a nightmare hatch. Everyone pipped 2 days ago and did nothing. I was scared they gonna die, but I now have 2;out of 16 eggs. I peeled back a tiny bit from the pip and left them 24 hours (third one still sitting waiting.) When I came back 2 and one in particular was trying to hatch, but was shrink wrapped. I helped the first one out and yes fine, second one I'm not sure about. Third one I'll leave for longer with the bit peeled open. But at least he's alive in there. I'm not an expert at all, but this is what I've done and at least I've got two almost 3 chicks out of all those eggs. I'm wondering if power hasn't failed here while I was out or asleep at night. my hatch is extremely late compared to last time, (day 22 as opposed to day 18 for cutornix). I have no idea what I'm doing really but that has worked for me.

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