Assist with pipping?


11 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Loretto, TN
I have 19 eggs left in the incubator. Some were due to hatch on Friday, the rest were due to hatch on Saturday. I saw movement in 12 of them last night and one had an internal pip.

One has made a very tiny pip. Do I need to assist them with external pipping? Or let nature take its course?
You will get varying opinions here. I would let nature take its course. If temps were a bit low through incubation, they may hatch late. I have assisted hatches with negative results, curled toes, inability to walk, die in the next day or so.

I have one in the incubator as of last night that was peeping in the shell. All the other chicks had already hatched Friday and Saturday, so it seemed he/she had some issues. In your case, since no one has hatched yet I would give it more time.
once you intervene it makes it almost impossible to keep away from the others, from experience I would say leave them be
Yes, I figure I will let nature take its course unless one pips/zips and has rubbery membrane. I'm never doing a staggered hatch again. I will probably just hatch out my own Australorps to replace these that aren't going to make it. Only a few are still rocking. I haven't heard the internally pipped little one this morning.

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