Assisted Hatch - Pipped Wrong End - Experience Sharing :-)

I found that following my intuition, being patient and researching like crazy my best help. Being my first time hatching I learned a lot from the experience.
You got that right!
I kept checking under my broody because I could hear chirping last night. From what she would let me see there were only eggs. This morning I hear it again so this time I take each egg out to take a look. I found this guy pipped at the wrong end of the egg, it's a wonder he didn't drown! I believe this egg is from a NJ giant so it's a very large chick! I've taken it inside and helped it zip a little and wrapped it in a warm moist paper towel and stuck him in the incubator. Now we're just waiting for the veins to diminish so this baby can hatch! Wish him Luck!
He/she is running around with all the other chicks now but he was a hard hatch! Besides peeping the wrong end he was very sluggish and took a while to finish absorbing the yoke. I had to put some corn starch on the naval to dry it up but now seems no worse for wear!

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