Assorted bantams part 2


May 1, 2019
Hohenwald Tennessee
My Coop
My Coop
ok still sorting assorted bantys here.

First i would like to know what this tiny little chick is. Shes by far the smallest.

Then i have some polish. I know the breed but would like to know the color they will be. Is that possible to tell?


Then i have what i believe are silkies. Am I right? What color will they be?

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The tiny one might be an old english game bantam--but there are also lots of other things it could be.

The polish are probably white crested black.

The ones you think are silkies--probably not, because silkies should have fuzzy legs. I'm guessing they're polish too, maybe silver laced.

Where did you get these chicks?

If you knew the exact hatchery, you could then look for a list of what breeds they offer, to get some ideas--but I've heard that Tractor Supply can get chicks from several different hatcheries, so that won't help in this case.

She said there were silkies in the bunch. There are 4 birds in there not bantys. 2 barred rock 2 lavender orphs. ...the other 16 are bantys

Silkies are supposed to have fuzzy feet, and they're also supposed to have an extra toe on each foot--so either she didn't really know, or they are very poor-quality "silkies." You'll know more when they get more feathers, because silky feathers have a different texture from normal feathers (that's why they're called "silkies.")

Sorting out the breeds should get easier as they grow, but it can be really hard (sometimes impossible) at this age.

They sure are cute!
The yellow chick all the way on the right looks like a white Silkie. The other feather foots look like a black Cochin, 2 porcelain d'uccles, and I think the left most one is another d'uccles.
The yellow chick all the way on the right looks like a white Silkie. The other feather foots look like a black Cochin, 2 porcelain d'uccles, and I think the left most one is another d'uccles.
yep! The silkie if you look closely at the wing you can see if it is getting white or buff feathers. The silkies in my avatar are white. The other d'Uccle is mille fleur.

The first chick looks like an OEGB- going to guess rooster based on indistinct eyeliner
2nd are white crested black polish
3rd are silver laced polish- I am seeing these often in bantam threads-either a hatchery suddenly started offering them or TSC is placing standard silver laced in bantam bins because I haven't yet come across a hatchery that sells bantam silver laced polish

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