At a loss - Coccidiosis


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2024
I have now been dealing with coccidiosis for over 2 months. I just need a moment to rant, it’s taken all the fun out of owning chickens for me.

We’ve done the severe dose in the water, orally by weight etc. had a few weeks of everyone seeming okay then one presenting new symptoms.

Took that one to the vet, did a fecal and head tons of coccidiosis in it. She prescribed a Sulfa drug and I did that for a week.

Only to find now another one in the flock is getting bad again so I restarted corid 😭

I’m so over it!
At least you know what you're dealing with. We're usually trying to treat a sick chicken by guessing.

There are different degrees of seriousness when it comes to coccidiosis. There are nine different strains, and some cause necrotic enteritis (infection of the intestines) and other strains are more mild. Your vet prescribed the best med to deal with enteritis (sulfa) so continue to treat all of your chickens with both the coccidiostat and the sulfa.

Do not stop or your chickens run a high risk of dying.

You can comfort yourself with knowing that after a chicken recovers from coccidiosis, they then have resistance to that strain of coccidia.

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