At first I didn't think she was serious!

Now wait a minute folks, how did this go from a nice, cute story to teacher bashing again??? Come on, get over it. It was nice little story until our anti-teacher brigade attacked again.

(love your avatar)

Some people!!
My mom has always said that someone can have book sense, but they aren't worth a darn without some common sense to go with it!
And we wonder why our children ask stupid questions...probably because they have teachers like that teaching them?
No teacher bashing -its like the post office bashing. I am sure there are good ones and bad ones. My best teachers were the one who told me -1.Why cant it be both. 2.History is written by the winners. #3 Just because its in a book doesnt mean its true. 4. Think for yourself! Gather all the info and decide whats right. 5.There are 3 sides to every story -yours,theirs and what actually happened. ActuallyI think #3 should be #1 My Mom told me that when I was small.
when my b/g twins were infants at a checkup the nurse practitioner asked if they were identical. I thought maybe she didn't realize they were boy/girl because they were so young (a few weeks old) I told her no they were a boy and a girl. And she said yeah but were they in the same sack?
Many times I have had to explain to people that because he has a penis and she does not would naturally make them fraternal. Some still do not get it. I did tell their pediatrician and he said oh I think she needs to brush up on her biology. I made sure they only saw the doctor after that. My dh is very book smart, he's an engineer, enough said. I'll take my common sense any day of the week.
Please, dont EVEN get me started as to why that has happened.

I have to tell yall, that before I got my girls, I wasnt sure how the whole fertilization (sp?) thing worked either. I just didnt know. Now, once I decided to get chickens I made it my business to find out.

I've told yall that both of my neighbors have chickens, right? Well, one neighbor brought an interpreter over (no speaky the English) and asked my Mom for some eggs so that he could have his hens sit on them so they could hatch and get more chickens. Now this man comes over all the time and he KNOWS I dont have a rooster. My Mom, knows I dont have a rooster (we live side by side) and she goes ahead and gives them to him. Sheeeeesh. She tells me later this has been done and I just have to laugh. I go over there and try to explain it (I speaky a little Spanish now) to him. I think he finally got it. Sorry for the hijack.


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