At my wits end!!!!!!!!!!!!!/starlings

It's ridiculous I decided today to just leave the coop locked up. This morning at about 7:15 I looked out on my way to work and the roof of the coop was covered in the little ecoli carrying devils, but they won't be getting a free lunch today. One attractant besides my chicken feed is the neighboor behind me (about 50 yards from my property line ) she feeds birds and from what I am told SHE FEEDS THE BIRDS. The animal control officer has gotten complaints about her from her next door neighbors because of the number of birds she attracts with her feeding habits.. Apparently she buys scratch grain and throws it out into her yard 5 to 10 pounds at a time.
I use a HOSP trap,and read it can be adjusted for starlings,or maybe he makes a bigger one for those birds. I usually catch the HOSP and some natives. I let the natives go.

My friend is mad that I get rid of certain animals,but hey disease is a big issue so we just don't talk about it.
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