At what age can I give my chicks treats?


8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
Jupiter, Florida
My baby chicks aren't even a full day old yet, but they are running around, eating, pecking, and everything. When can I give them treats to get them to be super tame and friendly? And any other ideas on how to get them tame and friendly(personal experiences)?
I've been putting starter food in my palm and holding it very still in the brooder. The first time, only a couple ate from my hand. The second time, I had about half of the 12 eating from my hand. A couple even sat on my wrist and ate. Always move slowly! Numerous times a day I walk by and just talk to them, getting them used to my voice. They will stretch their little heads up and listen. I am a newbie to raising chicks but I have learned this much so far. lol I bought my pullets Friday. The one below is a RIR and is around 2 weeks old. I also have Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks, which are 1 week old. The BOs will get in my hand. The Rocks are the most skittish. What do you have?
^Everything Debi said. Start off with starter chick feed in your palm and let them come to you (it may take a bit). Soon enough they'll be stepping up into your hand, and from there you can teach them the command to go with it (once they're naturally doing it on their own). I use "up", personally. All 5 of my breeds (SLW's, LORP's, EE's, BO's, and LtB's) have taken well to it.

We started giving treats to the 2.5 week old chicks today (grit on the food and dirt for them to get worms out of) and they loved it. A few of the 1.5's nabbed some as well :)

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