At What Age Can You Give Chicks Treats? AND Runny Poo


8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I have new babies, 1 week old, and I was wondering at what age can they start taking treats? I did put some dandelion greens and grass in the brooder and they looked at it and left it alone. I also put in half a corn cob last night that no one was interested in and didn't touch. But let them see carpet and they pull on it like crazy from under the door. If they are able to get a piece they chase each other around tugging it out of each others mouths which is very funny and cute to watch but I do take it away because I don't want them ingesting it. So it seems they would like something else besides their little chicky baby feed. Maybe something to entertain them?

Also, is it normal for them or for chickens in general to have runny poo? When we take them out and let them run around the bathroom tile floor quite a few of them will go and it's mostly liquid. Normal?


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