At what age did your rooster start crowing?

I have a 5 month old BCM that hasn't crowed yet. I am certain he's a roo though - we call him Norman, after the clumsy teenager in the End of the Road books. He is as tall as our old roo, with HUGE feet. He is quite clumsy. Looks like an ostrich because his legs, head and neck are huge but his body hasn't caught up. He barely has a poof starting for a tail, and his big old defective comb is already flopped.

He seems to be learning to take care of his girls, and steers clear of the Big Guy.
I had a silkie roo that did not crow until he was over 5 months old, and I currently have a d'uccle roo that started crowing at only seven and a half weeks old.
wood&feathers :

I have a 5 month old BCM that hasn't crowed yet. I am certain he's a roo though - we call him Norman, after the clumsy teenager in the End of the Road books. He is as tall as our old roo, with HUGE feet. He is quite clumsy. Looks like an ostrich because his legs, head and neck are huge but his body hasn't caught up. He barely has a poof starting for a tail, and his big old defective comb is already flopped.

He seems to be learning to take care of his girls, and steers clear of the Big Guy.

Hens can have big feet and bodies and combs as well. My roo started laying at about 6 weeks, and he is a tiny little thing, but he has huge saddle feathers.

But one of my hens, Coco (Cuckoo Marans), is almost seven pounds, has HUGE feet, and is the largest by far of all our chickens. She has a big comb and waddles, and only turned 4 months old yesterday. The only way you know she is a hen is because A)she has no saddle feathers, and B)she started laying a week ago.

And (and I could be completely wrong here, but I know this about my roo), don't roosters' combs usually stick straight up instead of flopping?

Again, I may be wrong, but your rooster might be a hen
I have a 8 week old rooster (Roo-Goliath) that has been crowing for at least a week. He's a bantam mix that has a flock of 11 hens (6 standard size) & one other bantam roo, but he is DEFINITELY the king and in charge. he's really growing on us. i hope we can keep him....

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