At What Age Do Turkeys Laying Eggs


9 Years
May 30, 2010
Mesa Arizona
i have a standard bronze turkeys
royal palm, and blue slate,
the standard bronze and blue slate
are six months old, my royal palms are five months old
when would they probably start laying eggs
If you live where turkeys lay in the fall it is possible that you can get a few eggs. Most will wait until the spring no matter when they hatched. My fall hatched turkeys lay there first egg at the same time my spring hatched turkeys lay there first egg. Most need to be 28 weeks old.
some friends told me that if i turn on a light
at 3 am the last week of november and most of the winter they
will layed eggs even during the winter, but the fertility would be higher
after the fifth week, if i dont have an incubator
would the turkey hens set on their eggs
i also have some buff orpington chickens
that when they go broody they might set some turkey eggs also
which breeds of chickens have you tried to see if they can hatch turkey eggs
i have also red star chickens, rhode island reds, delaware, ameraucanas
barred rock chicken,
We have/had 3 BBW hens and 1 tom. Two of our hens started laying at 22wks(end of Sept). When I butchered the hens they were full of eggs. My kids were shocked at what the eggs looked like before they were layed and how many of them were in there. My husband said it looked like caviar.......

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