At what age should they be able to handle cold temperatures?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
I have 5 two month old chickens. The front of their coop is all wire. So how old should they be before they can stand colder temperatures like the low 20's? Right now the coldest it gets at night is around 50
Personally I like them to be at least 3-4 months all feathered it. You may want to look at covering that wire section up come winter time. Its the draft that will kill your birds not the cold. Best of Luck!
Acutally it depends on the type of chick..some feather out a lot quicker than others...My Cochins take forever to fully feather out. My bantams feather out quicker,but at 2 months I still have them under the heat lamp because of their size..
Sounds like your climate is only a bit cooler than mine. I imagine by the time it really gets cold they will be plenty well feathered.
THanks everyone!

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