Attention Muscovy lovers

]Are they good mama's? I think mine have been trying, but the female is not laying eggs yet. They are around 25wks. Also, do they have babies in the spring or whenever? I was told when I got them, they were 2 females, however due to size difference, I think it's one of each. This is when I first got them, now, the black one(Thunder) is 3x bigger than the white one (Lightening) and has the red stuff on his nose and is jumping on the backs of her and my 2 campbell's. lol First time with a couple so not sure what to expect, when or how to prepare. The ducks have a pen they go into at night (finally) and then spend the day out in the pond, I know when I got them I kept them penned till their flight feathers came in, I heard they can't go in water right away. So if they have ducklings, do you have to pen them or does mama keep them away from water?
Very nice ducks, I like the color of lightening. It depends on yours Scovies some are great parents some are not. We lucked out and have amazing mama duck AND papa duck (not recommended unless you know your ducks well and have observed them closely) the ducklings always had access to shallow pans of water and the pond, the parents would not let the ducklings anywhere near the side of the yard with the pond until they were about 6 weeks. Here is some pics ofthem on their first day in the pond...
.it was very amusing daddy sat at the top of the hill looking at them supervising and mama took them in, they spent most of their time down there after that
Papa always watched them from behind to. And one of them meeting the chickens for the first time...they weren't too interested.
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When you say, "know them well and watch them", do you mean watch for how they will be as parents? For a head's up, what would she do if she was a bad mama? They are beautiful and so sweet, I'm hoping for the best. If not, I would just keep collecting the eggs every 24hrs to eat and not allow her to sit, I suppose. Although I've had no eggs from them yet, just my campbell's. Thank you, your muscovies are pretty and just love them fluffy babies. :)
You would need to be worried about the drake, they usually do not get kept together with ducklings. Drakes usually aren't involved with raising scovy ducklings, he just happened to be very gentle and helped keep them safe. Our mama muscovy was such a good mother, she hatched the eggs herself, it was her first time actually going broody and hatched a clutch. I would have a hard time picturing any bad muscovy mother-if given the proper surroundings- after watching her raise them. It was a very cool experience watching them from eggs to now 17 week old ducks! She probably won't go broody until next spring. ( I think) trying to raise ducklings in the winter would be a challenging task as well for a person or duck. Someone with more knowledge would be more helpful, as we kinda lucked out with our first experience. Miss lydia?
And good luck with the ducks :)
When you say, "know them well and watch them", do you mean watch for how they will be as parents? For a head's up, what would she do if she was a bad mama? They are beautiful and so sweet, I'm hoping for the best. If not, I would just keep collecting the eggs every 24hrs to eat and not allow her to sit, I suppose. Although I've had no eggs from them yet, just my campbell's. Thank you, your muscovies are pretty and just love them fluffy babies. :)

Not all birds make good mamas, some make excellent broodies and then frankly, crap out at mothering, i had one kill her babies, did wonderfully brooding but came hatch time she went postal. The mum i had this past June hatch, she was great for 2wks then starting leaving the babies lol I have one here who is beyond the other way, Lilly.. she was protective of that brood till way past when needed, she was hilarious guarding birds that were almost her size.
Anyone with a pond know, when it freezes over, do I keep them in their run till spring or do you still let them out to wander?

The lady I bought my Muscovy from said that when she first had them she let them free range. The pond froze over, and one of the ducks flew around and then came down to land on the pond. She hadn't before experienced a frozen pond, and so crashed onto the ice and died!

Anyway, after that the lady kept her muscovy locked up.

That is such a freak accident....but it is something to think about.
That is something that worries me. My campbell's come in every night, but my muscovies sometimes refuse, like last night. The pond was froze about 4ft around the edges and they couldn't come out to eat. I took a rake and broke a pathway threw for them, but that ice is like glass, so then I worried they would cut themselves. Now the ice has melted and their fine, but my thought is, if i can get them in tonite, i might not let them out till late Spring and those 2 hate being in a pen, probably cuz their used to being free and in the pond.
I never let mine out. It seems that when any bird of mine gets out something happens. Like a hawk or a dog gets them
. Which is also why I clip one wing on my muscovies to limit their flying.

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