Attention Muscovy lovers

my white female I actually recused in a ditch next to our house it was there for three days before I relized a couple of stray dogs were in the neighborhood

How strange how she has no fleshing at all. I have one who has minimal.. miss Lilly but it's still evident.

Whats the ratio? would love to see pics but I bet it's way to cold to be taking pics right now.

Sorry I haven't responded!

I thought that your request was a great excuse to run out and take some pictures. But, I went out there and they were so muddy and nasty looking!

I had moved them to the greenhouse, since it is so much bigger (the poor chickens got kicked out).

I had a large black trashcan in there to hold water. When I was cleaning out the greenhouse, the water had already frozen solid in the trashcan. The door into the greenhouse was already only party opening (because of so much snow and ice) and my largest son and I simply couldn't wedge that giant trashcan out of the only slightly opening door. The trashcan was so heavy, completely full of ice, that even with the two of us together, we weren't able to get it out of the greenhouse the other way (which is through first the shed and then the coop, so lots of lifting).

In my brilliance I thought that I would tip the ice filled trashcan upside down. Then, the sun on the black trashcan would free the ice cube, the ice cube would be able to slide through the greenhouse door (since the ice cube would be so much smaller than the trashcan) and we could easily carry the now empty and light trashcan out the long way.

Lovely idea.

Except I totally forgot about it.

So, when I went in there to check on the ducks, I keep thinking, "why is the greenhouse floor so wet?" "What son has been so careless with watering the ducks?" It wasn't until I was sitting down, and looking at the pictures that I had taken, that I remembered the trashcan! And yes, I had walked right past it. It just didn't register.

Anyway, I assigned two kids as "duck watchers" and had them put a black plastic pan of water outside, and herd all of the ducks outside. I was hoping that they would play in the snow and bathe in the pan.

Only one took a bath. *sigh*

Since then, I got busy, and so haven't gotten them outside again to see if more will take a bath. I want the greenhouse to dry out, so I am not going to let them take a bath in there.

*pant pant*

What a story, huh? And no, I didn't get the giant ice cube out of the greenhouse! At this point in time the door is even harder to open, and the ice cube, even freed from the garbage can, could not make it out of the door, and is way to heavy to take the long way. So.... I stuck it back into the garbage can and tipped the garbage can no more leaking.

As to ratio...I think it is close to even, slightly more males, I will have to go and count.
Sorry I haven't responded!

I thought that your request was a great excuse to run out and take some pictures. But, I went out there and they were so muddy and nasty looking!

I had moved them to the greenhouse, since it is so much bigger (the poor chickens got kicked out).

I had a large black trashcan in there to hold water. When I was cleaning out the greenhouse, the water had already frozen solid in the trashcan. The door into the greenhouse was already only party opening (because of so much snow and ice) and my largest son and I simply couldn't wedge that giant trashcan out of the only slightly opening door. The trashcan was so heavy, completely full of ice, that even with the two of us together, we weren't able to get it out of the greenhouse the other way (which is through first the shed and then the coop, so lots of lifting).

In my brilliance I thought that I would tip the ice filled trashcan upside down. Then, the sun on the black trashcan would free the ice cube, the ice cube would be able to slide through the greenhouse door (since the ice cube would be so much smaller than the trashcan) and we could easily carry the now empty and light trashcan out the long way.

Lovely idea.

Except I totally forgot about it.

So, when I went in there to check on the ducks, I keep thinking, "why is the greenhouse floor so wet?" "What son has been so careless with watering the ducks?" It wasn't until I was sitting down, and looking at the pictures that I had taken, that I remembered the trashcan! And yes, I had walked right past it. It just didn't register.

Anyway, I assigned two kids as "duck watchers" and had them put a black plastic pan of water outside, and herd all of the ducks outside. I was hoping that they would play in the snow and bathe in the pan.

Only one took a bath. *sigh*

Since then, I got busy, and so haven't gotten them outside again to see if more will take a bath. I want the greenhouse to dry out, so I am not going to let them take a bath in there.

*pant pant*

What a story, huh? And no, I didn't get the giant ice cube out of the greenhouse! At this point in time the door is even harder to open, and the ice cube, even freed from the garbage can, could not make it out of the door, and is way to heavy to take the long way. So.... I stuck it back into the garbage can and tipped the garbage can no more leaking.

As to ratio...I think it is close to even, slightly more males, I will have to go and count.
Boy what an ordeal, and question why would you think any duck would want to bathe in that kind of weather when it saw what happened to the water in the trash can?
Mine aren't getting to bathe much either this winter.

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