Attention Muscovy lovers

Yep..... i am kinda wondering who will brood.

I have two three year old ducks, and one duck that I think hatched mid summer last year. I do have one more duck, but she was hatched I think at the end of Nov. and isn't yet sexually interested in the drake.


Three gorgeous ducks that might want to go broody.
Why do you not want all boys? I am new to ducks. I ended up with an adult drake (muscovy) because someone hit him right in front of my son and I while we were feeding him and his girlfriend. He was lucky enough to just get his tail feathers ripped out, a scrape on his belly and a ? sprained leg. Since it is illegal to release muscovies in Fl, I am now the owner of a duck. I was thinking about getting him a male friend (or two). I dont have the room for a bunch of ducks. In the community where we feed the ducks there are several small bachelor groups that get along. Can someone tell me if this would be okay?
Why do you not want all boys? I am new to ducks. I ended up with an adult drake (muscovy) because someone hit him right in front of my son and I while we were feeding him and his girlfriend. He was lucky enough to just get his tail feathers ripped out, a scrape on his belly and a ? sprained leg. Since it is illegal to release muscovies in Fl, I am now the owner of a duck. I was thinking about getting him a male friend (or two). I dont have the room for a bunch of ducks. In the community where we feed the ducks there are several small bachelor groups that get along. Can someone tell me if this would be okay?
Most of the time bachelor groups work fine as long as their are no females close by. Other members on BYC have them, Bless you for helping this drake, I love Scovy's so much and it's heart breaking to see how they are treated. All the best with your new friend. And we'd love to see a pic when you have time.
Most of the time bachelor groups work fine as long as their are no females close by. Other members on BYC have them, Bless you for helping this drake, I love Scovy's so much and it's heart breaking to see how they are treated. All the best with your new friend. And we'd love to see a pic when you have time.
Thanks for the reply. Can you also tell me if it will start trouble to mix breed of ducks? I read the starter post about the different breed personalities but it didnt say what breeds get along. Thanks
My Khaki Campbell's get along with my muscovies.
There ya go experience talking... You'll still see mating behavior and some dominance behavior too as they work out who is leader but things should settle down and become harmonious as summer goes on. just make sure the breeds will be very close in size, I wouldn't mix Scovy's with Calls or Runners or other light breeds.
I have a pair of Pekins in with my Muscovys, total of 6 drakes and 12 hens, and everyone gets along just fine. The 'Scovies have raised two clutches of ducklings, doing all the work themselves. The Pekin hen isn't broody, but even if she was, her eggs are all sold or eaten, as I don't want more Pekins.
How many eggs do you think a Muscovy could successfully brood in the summer time?

My duck that went broody last fall looks like she wants to go broody again, but ONLY in the chicken coop where she had her last brood...but she currently has zero access to.

She keeps escaping, boggles the mind how she keeps getting out. Then she wanders about, I see her, do a :barnie and totally surprised she hasn't managed to get herself killed yet.... and put her back where she should be.

Yesterday when she got out and I was walking over to get her she walked up the ramp to the chicken coop that she has no access to, where she had her last clutch, and stood at the top looking at the closed door and then at me.......

There are a BUNCH of eggs in the new duck coop, last I counted there were 16 in the big box nest and 8 in the dog crate.

Why won't she just nest there?!?!?! I don't wanna kick the chickens out of the chicken coop....AGAIN!!!! :hit
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The most I've heard of is 25, of which she hatched 24. Duck incubating her own eggs, no humans involved.
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I have a pair of Pekins in with my Muscovys, total of 6 drakes and 12 hens, and everyone gets along just fine. The 'Scovies have raised two clutches of ducklings, doing all the work themselves. The Pekin hen isn't broody, but even if she was, her eggs are all sold or eaten, as I don't want more Pekins.
Why dont you want more pekins? are they not nice ducks?

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