Attention Muscovy lovers

@andreacroyle see what happens when you ask a question?

age progression for a different duck, Toffee.

about four months in this picture.

about 10 months old in this picture. She is the one on the bottom, in the center.
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Hello everyone! I need some help! My muscovy hen had babies with my Indian runner males and now I have 6 beautiful ducklings. I'm pretty familiar with Indian runners but I don't have much experience with the Muscovy breed since I just got her about 9 months ago and she's the only one I have every had. I know that muscovys don't make much noise, mine didn't chirp at me until about 3 months ago which scared me to death since she has always been silent. I have no idea how to tell if the babies are males or females because I don't know if they are going to get their drake tail feathers like runners or quacks like the female runners. Please help because the internet search is not coming up with much.
Hello everyone! I need some help! My muscovy hen had babies with my Indian runner males and now I have 6 beautiful ducklings.  I'm pretty familiar with Indian runners but I don't have much experience with the Muscovy breed since I just got her about 9 months ago and she's the only one I have every had.  I know that muscovys don't make much noise, mine didn't chirp at me until about 3 months ago which scared me to death since she has always been silent.   I have no idea how to tell if the babies are males or females because I don't know if they are going to get their drake tail feathers like runners or quacks like the female runners.  Please help because the internet search is not coming up with much. 

muscovy breed, even mixes, the males will be twice the size as the female, but I have been told muscovy mixes are infertile
@andreacroyle see what happens when you ask a question?

age progression for a different duck, Toffee.

about 10 months old in this picture. She is the one on the bottom, in the center.
I dont know how I missed all of your wonderful posts! thank you so much for posting the age progressions. Toffee is such a pretty duck. What color do you consider her? is it a blur fawn? All of your duck are so pretty, I wish you lived closer so I could buy some off of you. Too bad we couldnt do an over night from alaska with day olds. =) The feral ducks in the area where we feed them have molted. I didnt realized that when they molt , they completely change their coloring.

how many females do you have? drakes will be pretty rough with one another till they establish who is boss. I will also say sometimes some drakes are not cut out for multiple drake flocks. I run quite a few here but it's a good sized flock and get rid of anyone who is overly aggressive.
I think it all depends on the personality of the drake. I have rehabbed one that was so mean that I had to keep him separated from everyone. i have a young drake right now, that is so nice and quiet. he is competitive with food but not aggressive at all.

yeah I wish I could let them free range, would love to see how hapoy they are with it, but I just cant.
I have mixed feeling about free ranging. I just dont consider scovies wild birds. they are cumbersome and naive to danger. the ferals tend to get hurt a lot and killed by cars. I would capture them all if i could and take them home. my own scovies are in my privacy fenced yard and i still am uncomfortable allowing them to free range. they have one fenced area that is connected to their night time run now. when we do yard work they are allowed to forage in the whole yard. dont feel guilty at all about keeping them safe. some people donthave as many predators in their area and can allow them to roam.

Here is one of 3 to 4 broodies.. bellatrix is sitting on 22 eggs

Quote:How many ended up hatching? did you post pics somewhere?
Age study of Creamy.


Just today, the bottom duck. She is now one year old.
What a pretty duck she ended up being! I love seeing how different she looks in each pic. We really dont know what they will end up looking like. Even my pure white scovies. I am wondering what their caruncles will end up looking like. I love how scovies are so different. even in personality. I didnt know their eyes changed color like that.

Hello everyone! I need some help! My muscovy hen had babies with my Indian runner males and now I have 6 beautiful ducklings. I'm pretty familiar with Indian runners but I don't have much experience with the Muscovy breed since I just got her about 9 months ago and she's the only one I have every had. I know that muscovys don't make much noise, mine didn't chirp at me until about 3 months ago which scared me to death since she has always been silent. I have no idea how to tell if the babies are males or females because I don't know if they are going to get their drake tail feathers like runners or quacks like the female runners. Please help because the internet search is not coming up with much.
I only have experience with scovies and dont know how much the mix breed will vary. Males are noticeably bigger (but not always true i had a duck that i was sure she was a drake until she was 3 months) females always get their flight feathers first. my drake was a month behind his sisters getting his flight feathers.

muscovy breed, even mixes, the males will be twice the size as the female, but I have been told muscovy mixes are infertile
I didnt even know scovies could mate with other species. so they are like mules?
I think the babies end up like mules, out of those 22 eggs, so far all have hatched sept 5 pipped and 2 still waiting on, and 2 ended up not frowing. Yeah mine are kept in a fenced in area. Our dogs would kill them if we dont watch them very closely

I have no idea what her color is called. :confused:

Here is a more recent picture of Toffee.

She is on the left side, the only adult in this shot.

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I think the babies end up like mules, out of those 22 eggs, so far all have hatched sept 5 pipped and 2 still waiting on, and 2 ended up not frowing. Yeah mine are kept in a fenced in area. Our dogs would kill them if we dont watch them very closely
post pics when you have time.


I have no idea what her color is called.

Here is a more recent picture of Toffee.

She is on the left side, the only adult in this shot.

She is so pretty! I think she might be considered a blue fawn. that is what someone called my duck when i asked the coloring.

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