Attention Muscovy lovers

All in all they get along, I got rid of a few scared (at humans) and aggressive ones and it made the whole flock nice and calm. I have only had one duck go broody and when she did EVERYONE ran from her. even the most aggressive drakes ran! =)

off topic question. i read on a chicken thread that they are nice when they are laying and once they go broody they stop laying and that is when they get mean. is this true with ducks too?

her eye is perfectly fine , just a different color than the other.

Ducks don't lay once they have finished building their clutch to sit on, and yes trying to get a broody mama to cooperate is rough, I have a few that will latch on my skin and not let go, most though aren't too bad. But when they come out for R&R daily you can bet any one in their vicinity is going to get as far away as possible she is all grumpy and will go after anyone close by.
no kidding
Whats funny to me is when there is a scrap going on everyone gathers round and cheers it on, well till the geese [police] show up and break it all up. lol
Ducks don't lay once they have finished building their clutch to sit on, and yes trying to get a broody mama to cooperate is rough, I have a few that will latch on my skin and not let go, most though aren't too bad. But when they come out for R&R daily you can bet any one in their vicinity is going to get as far away as possible she is all grumpy and will go after anyone close by.
I love how your on every thread to answer my questions! So chickens and ducks are pretty much the same with going broody as far as attitude.

Whats funny to me is when there is a scrap going on everyone gathers round and cheers it on, well till the geese [police] show up and break it all up. lol
Ollie runs away!

Thats when you can actually hear the Muscovy's makin noise lol

All of my scovy girls make noise. My son thinks it sounds like a cat purring.
I do like scovies more so than the cayuga mixes. My cayuga duck is the loudest one there. She only makes noise when she is calling me from the other side of the yard and telling me she is hungry....which is alot.
I love how your on every thread to answer my questions! So chickens and ducks are pretty much the same with going broody as far as attitude.

Ollie runs away!

All of my scovy girls make noise. My son thinks it sounds like a cat purring.
I do like scovies more so than the cayuga mixes. My cayuga duck is the loudest one there. She only makes noise when she is calling me from the other side of the yard and telling me she is hungry....which is alot.
Ollie is only one so he feels out numbered, when Sam was the only goose he walked around with the ducks and fit right in. But now there's 4 so they have become the goose patrol and are bound and determined to keep the peace out there in their domain.
Ollie is only one so he feels out numbered, when Sam was the only goose he walked around with the ducks and fit right in. But now there's 4 so they have become the goose patrol and are bound and determined to keep the peace out there in their domain.
awesome! I look forward to that. He isnt afraid of Bruce Lee the silkie rooster and I think he should be. That rooster goes right for the eyes!! Bruce is officially banned from all other birds until I figure out what I am doing with him. I put him in his own side of the fence where he cant hurt anyone. My husband noticed (and so have I of course, but my HUSBAND noticed which means it's very noticeable=) that Forest is finally getting comfortable with the birds. She likes her mirror inside and is running/hobbling with the flock instead of running from them. Ollie still pecks at her. Do boy geese do that to girl geese? I dont think so, but maybe Forest IS a boy and only the geese know it. Maybe that is why Daisy the protective muscovy loves her so much... Owning birds is so interesting .... and time consuming.... and stressful..... I still have the sneezing silkies in my garage... Doing the best I can do with bio-security. Keeping everything separated and being super careful not to cross contaminate. The breeder wont return my texts, so I guess I m stuck with them. I cant even step on a cockroach so there is no way that I will be able to cull the birds........

I am calling Forest's vet this morning to see what she suggests.
awesome! I look forward to that. He isnt afraid of Bruce Lee the silkie rooster and I think he should be. That rooster goes right for the eyes!! Bruce is officially banned from all other birds until I figure out what I am doing with him. I put him in his own side of the fence where he cant hurt anyone. My husband noticed (and so have I of course, but my HUSBAND noticed which means it's very noticeable=) that Forest is finally getting comfortable with the birds. She likes her mirror inside and is running/hobbling with the flock instead of running from them. Ollie still pecks at her. Do boy geese do that to girl geese? I dont think so, but maybe Forest IS a boy and only the geese know it. Maybe that is why Daisy the protective muscovy loves her so much... Owning birds is so interesting .... and time consuming.... and stressful..... I still have the sneezing silkies in my garage... Doing the best I can do with bio-security. Keeping everything separated and being super careful not to cross contaminate. The breeder wont return my texts, so I guess I m stuck with them. I cant even step on a cockroach so there is no way that I will be able to cull the birds........

I am calling Forest's vet this morning to see what she suggests.
That is great news about Forest. She's getting there. And yes to the biting I have seen Sam do it to the youngins not aggressively but just like to say hey respect your elders kids.
It seems my selection is happening naturally, the whiter of my silver drakes takes good care of the hens and shows good management skills and my 2 hens flock to him naturally.

My bf got lit up by one of the muscovies the other day trying to pick it up, they are more of an "we can hang out but don't try to touch me" type of breed. As we got in caponizing equipment and he had thought maybe trying to make a capon out of one for thanksgiving, but no.. it will just be a regular duck for thanksgiving dinner.

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