Attention west tennessee

That's ok Shane...I hope you get to come next time too.

My chicks are hatching today, so my little chickie has friends now!

BTW...if my son had a choice of fishing or meeting "chicken people", he would choose fishing too! That's great that you're taking them fishing.

See some of you tomorrow!
....after R&J I am going to this (in case you're interested too!)...
(they are expecting thousands of people at this event in Milan! Next year I am going to see that we get a poultry show in there!)

needmorechickens! :

Oh my gosh Tim - is that your aquarium?! That is awesome!
Y'all can view my website to see me...or you can wait til Saturday!
I guess I am gonna drive my SUV cause our old truck is...well old! My DH has to work, and daughter is busy, but my son is supposed to come with me.
I am bringing some pallets and some short 4x4's, some yard sale type stuff, and two 4 week old chicks.
One is a buff orp, one is a mix buff orp X RIR. They are the ones I got from Quail_Antwerp. I think they are both cockerels, but I'm not sure.

Yes thats my one of many saltwater tanks i have. That one in the picture is a 240 gallon tank. I maintain saltwater tanks in different Doctors offices in jackson. I grow corals from my house to sell to diffrent people and companies. My largest tank is 300 gallons.
I think i got out of going to the wedding tomorrow so i should be there earlier than expected.
Hey everybody!! One of you guys give me the directions and name again for tommorrow , if you don't mind- I may get to come but not sure yet. Do a lot of people usually bring chickens there? If I could get a couple of little silkie hens , I would be happy with my little sub flock until next spring. Well probaly not, I'd probaly think of some other kind I wanted
Is the feed store in Bemis or Pinson? --Wayne
Hey! I'm bring the frizzle/silkie roo's and pullets white. go back thru the post someone had a link with the directions in it. We look forward to seeing ya.
I looked back at the previous posts- Don't know what I was thinking my brain freezes up sometimes.Timbo, Are the white pullets frizzles or regular silkies?
I'm really hoping I get to go. Didn't get an egg today but I dumped a lot of leaves on one side of the pen yesterday so they may have laid it and covered it up. Maybe this weekend I can get some pics of my birds posted - I been practicing with the camera!!!--Wayne
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You know where the fair grounds are in Jackson? Go past the fairgrounds and R&J is on your left, probably about a mile. Don't blink or you'll miss it!
I lived in jackson close to Hamilton Hills for 11 years and I was always going south to my friend's thrift store for years. I got it in my brain now. I'm getting old and feeble brained
. It takes me longer to connect the dots now
Oh by the way Rebecca- Since you live in Gibson, My friends who run the Helping hand down on the crossing in Humboldt are packed to gills with donations and I think they are going to have a Huge yard sale around the 7th or 8th next month. I got about 4 or 5 pairs of shoes Bras curling irons hairbands Shirts for me and some more stuff for under $5. They had so much stuff piled up in boxes and sacks, if i had time to dig, probaly could have found something for the chickens too!!!!.--Wayne
Here's my two new welsummer babies. I've still got two more eggs in the bator. One is rocking and peeping. The other... well, not doing a thing. Day 22 has begun.



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