Attn: Ladies.. Wedding gift help request

I would like to suggest 15 different individually wrapped gifts of crystal, each one somehow representing each year. They do not have to be expensive just represent each specific year. Present them in order, SLOWLY like 1st one is a crystal wedding cake or represents where you went on your honeymoon......crystal babies for years the kids where born, crystal house for the year you bought it...etc.That dinner & a movie, bubble bath, foot massage/back massage, clean house with no kids & a new silk robe to slither into after bubble bath...
One of my friends husband does something for each year they have been married. So, in this case 15 days before your anniversary you could bring her a rose and a box of chocolates or some other sweet little gesture. The next day maybe you bring her two roses and a bottle of wine. The third day 3 roses and massage oil. You get the idea. Each day bring her roses and some small sweet gift so that on the day of your anniversary you bring her 15 roses and a final larger gift. Perhaps you could arrange for the kids to be taken care of for one day and one night(like a sleep over with friends?), then send her to the spa for the works - hair and everything. When she comes home take her to dinner and spend the night at a really nice hotel. Order breakfast in bed the next morning and take your time getting back home. I am sure she will love it.
My dream gift:

The kid is at the babysitter's (my mom) for at least 24 hours.

The entire house is cleaned, and cleaned shoving stuff under the bed....

Candles, smelly good stuff, dinner, all set up pretty.

Movie time, then come home to a surprise clean house and dinner warming and candles and everything. The night is mine, and I am doted on.
We just celebrated our 15th. Rather than buy each other things, we took our kids and our parents out to brunch at the place where we got married. It was very nice.
But I would have been just as happy with a new coop!!! That's probably not a good idea for your wife, though.
How about strawberries dipped in chocolate?
Last edited: get extra credit just for this post alone. (This year was our 15th and it came and went without so much as a card!)....

ahem....that day is my vote...while she's out, clean the house, have a candlelite dinner, and maybe a simple love letter....the rest will get better from there!

Happy Anniversary...

PS. Let me know when you will be doing husband workshops....Love DH dearly, but come on, at least TRY!

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