Attn: Ladies.. Wedding gift help request

Hubby forgot our 12th anniversary this month. I got him a card a case of beer...he was excited for the beer!!!

I went out to dinner with my sister and left him with the kids....hee, hee. That's what he gets for forgetting a card.

I did the 3 reminders about the anniversary too and told him happy anniversary before he left for work too.

He requires more
Please don't just assume that just because she has turned from a city girl to a country chic that she doesn't enjoy some of the normal anniversary stuff. I know this because other than the fact that my anniversary is 7-21-90, she and I are rather similar and my DH, as much as I love him has the same problem. (He honestly gave me a weed-eater 10 years ago.) We like simple jewelry. I absolutely love the gorgeous small white gold hoops that he bought me for Christmas last year. The year before that was the same earrings in gold. Now, I was perfectly tickled with the sewing machine and Sunbeam mixer too. Get the picture? Just because it is simple doesn't mean it has have to be a one shot deal like a spa trip. It is great to have a "simple" thing that I love and use/wear often. I can't help but think of him when I see the gift in front of me or in the mirror (which I do every day since I LIVE in the white gold hoops).
got a rottatiller for my 21st birthday! And numerous other appliances for birthday and christmas...they are useful, but agree that some nice jewerly, that I would wear would be nice too!
I got a electric griddle once. Now i can make im breakfast.
For me personally, nothing beats the gift of peace and relaxation. I agree that a spa day would be great, or a lovely dinner at home or in a restaurant, with lots of candles, beautiful music, an amazing dessert, conversation, sparkling clean house, no kids! We're not big restaurant fans and have found a few gourmet (or at least very nice!) restaurants in the area that allow you to call in a few days ahead of time and have them prepare a special take-out meal for anniversaries etc. If you're really sneaky and can get it when she's not around you could pretend you prepared the meal yourself!

Edited to add: And flowers of course, if you do the dinner at home, make sure there's flowers on that table along with candles!
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I love it when my DH takes me jewelry shopping & we pick something out together.
As for lingerie, I think that is a wife's gift to her man...
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You could do the "Name A Star" after her thing. It is kind of cheesy, but touching none the less... Maybe get a telescope, set it up to show her and pop open a bottle of bubbly while stargazing.

Congrats on your anniversary btw

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