Auburn Javas?

Well, about 48 hr after lockdown we have 11 hatched and 2 partially unzipped and still in incubator - will wait another 48 hours before calling it quits on the rest of the eggs given that the first one hatched less than 12 hours after lockdown, thus it will be 4 days after lockdown - unless one of you more experienced folks feel we should give them more time???

Congratulations!! I hope you DO get those trios.

As an aside, I recently got some shipped eggs (Marans), and although they were rested first, the air cells in a few are off kilter. Hopefully they will hatch out fine, as yours did!
well, of the 2 unzipped.....I had to help one - the membrane was very tan and dry, the other died after totally unzipping the large end of the shell by itself...The one I helped I just carefully removed the large end of the shell after moistening all as it had made no progress in over 24 hour later it had finished hatching but had one foot with curled toes. But 36 hours later it died... :(
So we have 11 live ones.
Had to clean out the brooder due to overwhelming stench....probably from the dead chick and the leavings from the 11 hatchlings. Still, have 16 eggs unhatched. I candled them and there are several with internal pips and several with good looking red veining... some are both.... so cleaned them off and put back in the incubator - I know they are unlikely for any of them to hatch but will wait until Monday to see. That will be day 25. I know that taking them out, exposing them to the room temp - even though it was Very warm in there as the brooder is in the same room, cleaning them off and putting them back also decreases their hatch potential. But the way I figured it their chance now at possible life is much better than if I gave up on them today and tossed them.
At 2 weeks I've ended up with 10 live chicks - one of the failure to thrive chicks has made it and is beginning to catch up.
Got a gosling for a guard goose and it about 36 hours for intermittent supervised "visits" to get pecking order settled without injuring any chicks. All are cozy now.
This coming week getting some 2-3 wk old silkies for brooders. Will have to do intro thing again.
Still looking for a few more local Auburn chicks to add.
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Have 10 4week old Auburn chicks growing like weeds. Also one Toulouse gosling same age in same brooder. Have 3 silkie chicks about 2 weeks old in another brooder.
the silkies



This was a week ago. They are a lot larger now.
And a lot more feathers :)
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