*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I just set 16 splash orpington eggs into my incubator this morning. I am so excited. I gues they are "due" on the 26th. I hatched 4 buff orp chicks last month, moat of the eggs I tried to incubate were not fertile
I got the new ones from another supplier
Can't wait to hear more chirping eggs! The kids LOVE that!
So how did your hatch come out. I am at 8 out of 14 so far. No more pips and on day 22...

so far only 2 have hatched no action on the others yet but i'm gonna give it a few more days (hoping)

well i have another pip!!! i thought for sure this morning when i didn't see anything that my hatch was done. then my dh called at 10 and said one of the eggs had pipped
its one of the 2 wheaten marans egg lets hope for a girl!
Go chickies!

So sad to hear about the hatch rates some have been having... I think those ones were hatches set in the hot months, so hopefully it passes and we see some GREAT hatch rates soon!

Lockdown in 1 week here! *dances*
Beth G. :

Hello All, My bator is being delivered today and I've saved 9 Lav Orp's eggs, 6 Partridge Silkie eggs, and 3 RIR's. I plan on putting them in the bator later today after I test it. Wish my luck first bator batch in 8 years. I gave up 8 years ago when I hit 100 chickens....

Hi Everyone, After my bad experience with strombergs not shipping me all the material in the box for my bator I wind-up throughing out all my eggs. I was supposed to get the parts overnighted to me on last Saturday and they screwed up again. I called and on Monday they said I would finally get my parts. Well as of 11am I did not so, I went out and bought another brand new bator from a local place. I set it up and have 19 eggs in it:

2 White Silkies
2 Partridge Silkies
10 Lav Orp Projects
4 Black Orps
1 RIR/Lav Orp cross (oops mistake)
Wish me luck I need it!
I had 8 black copper marans and 7 hatched. One had to be culled. 1 was not fertile. 6 is real good considering the breed and they were through the mail. They hatched on the 2nd. I am very happy with the buggers.
Hmm . . . I'm beginning to wonder if I should intervene or not. It's now about 24hrs since I first heard peeps, and now no more peeps. This morning if I talked near the incubator, some eggs would wiggle a little and I'd get a few peeps. Now nothing. It's day 23 for the bantams and day 22 for the LF, and there haven't been any pips or cracks or anything indicating they've begun to hatch. I had said I would give up on the bantams on day 23, but one of them was the wiggliest this morning. Now it's not moving anymore. I'm going to wait out the weekend to throw anything away, but I can't help but think they're dying in the egg somehow. My humidity is as high as I can get it (62%) with all the reservoirs full, two sponges and a soaked wash cloth in there. Water keeps oozing out of the bottom, so I have towels all around the edges of the incubator. I haven't removed the red vent tabs on the top yet to try and keep the moisture up. So frustrating!
Sorry I can't be of much help but, maybe someone else will chime in with advice. If it were me I would wait to see what others say and if don't hear from them maybe choose one to inspect and help? Good luck and I will be reading this incase I can learn from others experiences.

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