*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***


20 eggs out of 37 hatched. not fantastic, but, not bad. my buff hens are definitely the most fertile, as all their eggs hatched but 2.

some neat colors.

one mama hen tried to take my arm off when getting the water dish out. she's a viscious little thing.

ROFLMBO - That's exactly how *I* felt when I heard that peep! And the juxtaposition of your two posts was PRICELESS. "ho hum" to sheer eggscitement.

Just like me.

I wouldn't have had to take today off, given what has happened all day with my two pips, some peeps, and the tapping sound - they would have been perfectly safe waiting for me to come home from work..... but.... once I heard that peep last night, there was NO WAY I would have been able to keep my mind on my job today.
Rofl... I do admit, I am very excited. Of many attempted hatches, this may just be my first successful one.

I don't even think I need coffee at this point, I'm running off of sheer excitement!

Just heard another peep, and now Im worried. No pip, could it drown / suffocate? I know what egg it was, it was moving around a bit.
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I am hatching my first shipped eggs. 40 of them divided bwteen 2 broody hens and 1 incubator. We are on day 2 here, so we have a long way to go.
That's amazing! Where did you get your eggs from?

I got them from here:

They were real dark eggs. I am hopeful they will lay the same dark color. I am pretty sure I have 2 males and 4 females. That would be perfect if I am right. I bought some others from ebay a long time ago from another seller and was not real happy with the egg color. This time they were a dark chocolate color. I noticed she does not have any for sale just now but you could email her if your real interested in them. She was very nice to work with.
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Well this is very interesting. It's only day 19 and 2 of my sussex chicks have hatched and a third is on it's way out. I woke up this morning and checked and 4 of the 6 eggs had pipped. By this afternoon all 6 had pipped. I have a theory as to why this happened, the eggs were already incubating for 2 days due to the heat making today day 21! I got them in July right in the middle of the crazy heat we were having. I've read a lot of threads that have said that this has happened to them as well. I'll update with some pics soon! (I love my brinsea!)
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i had 2 hatch out today from the 11 that went in to lockdown so far 4 have hatched over a 4 day period. will keep an eye on the remaining eggs to see you just never know.

today was day 23 on one egg that still not hatched and day 22 on the rest.

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