*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Woo hoo!!
I have 11 new babies, and the other 3 eggs have pips!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

kasey08: That is aweful!!! Come over to my place and I'll give your 14 chicks!!! Hun, I'm so sorry!

Keeping my finger's crossed for your eggies!

well thanks i have one chick now but it keeps falling on its back also. trying not to get to excited b/c i was really crushed about the first one it was sooo pretty when it finally dried​
Having never done this, am I hearing right? Is that a little "tap, tap, tap" on the inside? It's so faint I have to almost put your ear to the incubator. Then ... it stops. Wait, did I hear it again? Maybe that was my stomach growling from the 3 cookies I ate earlier? Hold up ... where did the sound go? Okay Julie ... Time to walk away. Go mow the grass !!! An hour later, I check on the eggs. "tap, tip, tip" ... But there's no movement or chirping. What am I hearing? Am I losing my mind ???
well thanks i have one chick now but it keeps falling on its back also. trying not to get to excited b/c i was really crushed about the first one it was sooo pretty when it finally dried

Ive had 2 past hatchers that fell on their backs all the time and acted like they couldnt get up. It stopped after about a week and they are both teenagers now and just fine!
@ Julie: It's the pipping noise. The egg usually doesn't rock during this time. Good luck!

@ Cat: YAY! Successes!

Well, I have 3 silkie babies so far, with at least 1 more pipped. I have 3-4 BCM pipped, with one that has a fairly decent hole. I lost one of the black silkies (*sob*) due to it pipping on the wrong end and drowning while I was at work. I hear lots of peeping and cheeping, so I am holding hope for some more to make it!

The turner decided to throw a fit and toss the few eggs that are due next week off its rack. So I had to open the bator to fix it. Thankfully relative humidity where I am is like 50% so it literally can't drop lower. But I got the eggs back on and yanked the three babies while I had a chance, so they're safely in the brooder instead of climbing on the other eggs... and let me tell you, it must be REALLY tough to be so little, they haven't opened their eyes for more than a few seconds. And how TINY! I have never hatched a bantam breed before.
Kedreeva ... that means I have a live chicken !!! I done thought I killed off the last 4. Oh Lord ... I have tears ... this is the best news I've heard in the last 21 days.

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