*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Kedreeva: I hope I hope I hope your little ones are all right! It's such a
when folks do exactly what you tell them not to. Especially when it harms another living creature!!
@ Cat: It was her first time ever touching the incubator, and I know she was really nervous about messing it up or leaving them in too long... but I did say exactly what to do! Oh well. I cracked open the rest of the eggs and no one else was shrink wrapped but no one else was alive, either. Half the chicks were not even in a proper position to pip, some of them had their heads tucked between their legs, or had pipped internally- I had 3 that pipped internally and were full of blood from tearing through blood veins before even getting through the shell.... it was really terrible luck >.<

But, I am happy with 4 silkies and 8 BCM... the BCM are way cuter imo, but the silkies have vaulted skulls and are TIIIIINYYYYYY. They are all trying to lay underneath the seabright hen chicks that are in there, who are a couple weeks old.
Day 24 !!!! Out of the 4 eggs, 3 has VERY visable life inside the shell. One is now starting to move into the air sack. This is good, right? HOWEVER ... I still have one that is starting to discolor more with what appears to be pores expanding & it looks like pen marks but no one seems to know what that is. I see no movement in that shell. Not sure what to do. I'm holding out for the other 3 though ... THEY ALIVE !!!
I am so sorry to hear that....that is not good. who opened the door to the bathroom?? maybe next time, after they hatch put them in a lg. container and put wire across the top of it until they can go outside to a brooder....
Just got in from checking on my chickens and my little D'Uccle bantam is hatching out...so far 1 completely and one almost out of the shell...looking for more ..this is her second hatch this year. They are just going broody on their own....
These eggs are driving me crazy !! I candled the discoloring egg & there is life BUT the pores of the egg are getting bigger/darker. Maybe I should put it in my other incubator? Am I the only weird-o with weird-o eggs?
checked on babies today after work,

I have 3 sets.

Under the one hen, she had 9 babies, today she had 8. One got sqashed or something today, may it RIP.

head count, now 19
The news reports the temperature is suppose to start to cool down and we will be out of the triple digits soon. I am very glad since I now have 9 eggs under a broody I am sure she will like a break from the heat too. We have her in a room that stays between 79 - 80 degrees as long as it doesn't go past 102 again we are in good standing and maybe my hatch rate will be better than it was in the middle of July. We have a plastic dog house just a small one so she can sit in the dark and hide away from the rest of the world and do her job. Its been to hot to have her outside I think she enjoys it tho she seems happy in lala land.She only seems to gain focus when we offer her treats now and then and to get a drink and some food. Once a day to stretch and potty for about 15 min. Now we are on day 7 and I am sitting on my hands I will candle on day 10 and then again on day 15 after that I am leaving them alone.

I do have a question I put them under her on day 9 do I start counting on the 10th or from August 9th the day I put them under her?


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