*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Kedreeva: CONGRATS!
for you pea-eggs!

mtcookie: Can't wait to see if anything has hatched!
All but one are out.

And little bit is holding up his head better. WOOHOO. The last little one is peeping it's head off in the egg. LOL

I wish I could post pictures but my daughter has my camera on vacation. Maybe tomorrow I will snag my husbands iphone.

They are Splash, white and blue cochins.
Well I probably messed up the hovabator side of the hatch (I have eggs in two incubators). Had to open up the incubator at 1AM last night as my one preemie chick was having some sort of attack and appeared to be dying. it was flopping around and gasping, oddly like it was drowning but there's no water it could reach. I ran the shower and got the room steamy and pulled it and the other one out. So those eggs with pips might need assistance later but hopefully they can hold on until tomorrow (the real hatch day). I felt bad since I knew there was little I could do for it but hold it, but what if it died in there?

Odd thing is my chick that was having the 'attack' seems much improved today and is eating and trying to peck its broodermate. Dunno if that will last, but I was POSITIVE it was dying last night. I even put a stuffed animal in with the other one in case it died during the night- by the time it was in the brooder it was better enough for me to go to sleep..

ETA: Here's a pic of the little guy this morning. It MUST be a roo based on it's rather imperious attitude. LOL. Keeping my fingers crossed it makes it - seems fine this morning, eating crumbles, but..

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Well, apparently my isolation chamber idea was not good enough, because the other peeps got into it and about pecked my little lakenvelder to death. He's missing skin all over his head and neck, but he was still alive. I pulled him out and as I don't have a third heat lamp, I pulled the underpad heater from my peachicks and set up a tiny box for him. Slathered him in neosporin, fixed him a liquid meal of egg yolk, yogurt, and electrolytes and now he's sleeping soundly beside my peachick brooder. Thankfully the wounds seem just skin deep and if I can keep him eating, he should be just fine... it looks a lot worse than it is, really. I called in to work and my boss told me to stay and take care of him.

The funny part is that my mom was -totally- freaked out and we got to have a conversation about how it was not the fault of the other chicks, that they were just chickens and they can't premeditate things like this nor comprehend what they did. She was so mad at them! I told her if she had to be mad at anyone, she can be mad at me for not securing the chick properly. I think she was also a little freaked out, because it does look pretty bad, but the second layer of skin is intact so its not like the chick is going to bleed out or lose organs or something really terrible. It probably hurts like hell, but the injury isn't going to get any worse from here... so I figure it can only get better.
Kedreeva, do you have a reading lamp? You know, one that maybe bends over? If you do, maybe you could put a 60watt bulb in it, and position it in one corner for the babe, and will give a little more heat.....not sure what your temps are where you live, but I have some 4 day olds and some 2 day olds that I am using reflector lamps with 60watt bulb. They're cheap at Wal Mart, too. About $10
Good luck with your chicks. I'm rooting for the lil one.
7 days until hatch for me. I had a nightmare that I couldn't find the incubator and found it outside in the rain. Now talk about STRANGE! It will be a miracle if I get any of these splash orps to hatch. Between the egg turner that broke and "dropped" the eggs to the holes in the bottom of my incubator making humidity control hell on earth. It is time to buy myself an incubator rather than reuse hand-me-downs.
Why is this? are they a lot bigger? Should I set up a separate brooder for silkie and regular chicks? I don't want my silkies pecked to death.

Speaking of which, I must not have totally screwed the humidity up last night - I have a zipper from one that was pipped when I opened the bator!
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@ Lesa: I don't have a lamp, but my room is about 80 degrees give or take a couple, and with him on the heating pad he should be plenty warm. I moved the peachick's heat lamp closer to his box so that some of that heat hits. But good idea for the lamp, I may go get one later.

@Featherz: They're about a week older, and I really shouldn't have put him in the brooder at all. I'd thought if I had him in a box inside the box that he'd be ok but darn if they aren't persistently curious I don't know what is. If all your chicks hatch at the same time, size won't really matter.
Oh good. Not exactly hatching at the same time, but the silkies are hatching first so that's even better. Big eggs have just a few pips this morning so on track to hatch tomorrow. I have too many chickens as it is, so I didn't want to have to set up yet another brooder unless I have to.

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