*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I have three little ones in the brooder. I have two more cracked eggs but I am afraid one may be gone. It hasn't moved. I don't know what to do. I see feathers out of the side of the egg but no beak. All the babies that have hatched have been blueish black. Not a splash in the bunch. They are cuties though.
Hey do not forget there are a few days left in Aug. I have a clutch that are due to hatch on the 31st under a hen. They are cukoo marans
under my hen. By the way what are they suppose to look like in shape etc. Are they like barred rocks in the fact about the white spots on their heads? These were given to me. I have never seen the flock. Gloria Jean
Here are some pics of the four babies. I have a few more eggs with cracks but we lost one last night. It pipped and zipped and died
Raising chickens is not for the faint of heart. I am learning that sooner than I had hoped! I am having trouble keeping the humidity up. I just put some more wet paper towels in. I am wondering if I should intervene with another little one. I see a beak, it has been that way since last night and nothing is happening. I am afraid that one might be gone also. Thankfully I have these little ones to keep me occupied.



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Helping is up to you BUT I would think if it has been that long with just a lil hole ! I would not be able to just watch it die you can help it but be sure to pay attention to the veins in the membrane try your best not to tear thru one if you do it will bleed a lil bit but should eventually clot off

Good luck
I helped the BR lil boy that hatched and he is fine! It is completely your decision. I wouldn't be able to stand back LOL I have a harc enough time waiting on the ones that are doin fine LOL
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AHH im sorry
maybe next time ! I have felt the same way i started out with 11 eggs and I am down to 5. the 5th is pipping now! I put 24 eggs in bator befor this hatch and NOT ONE made it !! wow so I am determined I am going to hatch some fuzzy butts out! I now have 18 in bator again due Sept 12! not that we need any more chickens BUT I wanna hatch some LOL
do you have anymore that are working on pipping in bator or are they done? how many do you have hatched?
Afishal: I started with 16 eggs. Two were tossed out in the beginning due to oozing. Two have pipped, zipped and died, 1 had the 'accident', 4 hatched out well. I have 6 eggs still in there but there is no pipping or anything. They may be infertile, late bloomers, or quitters. I am going to give them until tomorrow to candle. I have a man wanting me to hatch 30 guineas for him so I guess I will be on the sept group too. Thankfully my new bator is in the mail

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