Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi everyone! I wrote my own post but someone told me to ask on this thread instead because apparently it's for all of the Australian questions
Can anyone actually confirm for me if Currawongs will attack/kill adult bantams or Not? I have one hanging around my house now
and I'm concerned because I know that they will eat eggs, small birds such as sparrows, budgies etc, but I just don't know how large the little birds get that they will hunt so I have absolutely no idea If my bantam chickens are large enough to be safe from it or if they will still be seen as food and I really need to find out? TIA

Hopefully u do have a cockerel in there, he'd keep away any threats like that :) may i also duggest using new paragraphs? Lol, makes it easier to read your posts :p welcome!



Blue French Wheaten Roo (
Wish it was a girl )


Awwwwwww, very cute boy..

Goood morning Friends :frow

appps I am sorry to read that your second attempt with Penny was not successful … the Scruffs are adorable!

I am definitely with you on the “safe to eat V appetising to eat” lol.

RodneyRooster congrats on the successful candle.

Sam your little one is soooo cute!  Wonderful to see Gretel looking so good.  That little Blue is beautiful!

Meeka3 I love your little ones .. gorgeous!  satay yours also .. too cute!

Sidhe13 your plans sound and look great! 

Howdy mamabokbok and Welcome to the thread.  We do not have Currawongs around here which is a good thing because I am constantly at war with the Crows who, while they are not a concern for my adult bantams, are definitely a threat to any chicks, eggs and my sanity! :barnie

Sorry Pennae, no goslings or fertile eggs here.

We have lived here for 5 years and I have never seen a Hawk until the weekend.  I was sitting with the gals all milling around me, having a lovely afternoon on Sunday when a couple of them came running up to me and started growling, some went for cover and Cilla stood next to me growling and looking up. 

I am amazed by their eyesight!  It took me a while to spot it but yep, there was a Hawk, very high up and apparently just passing through.

Just some random waffle but I did an egg count for April which was easy; 0 [Zero, zip, zilch] eggs.  May we got a grand total of 11 eggs.  July 28 eggs and last month 84 eggs!  So far this month we have had 2 days where there have been 5 eggs from 6 gals … it is amazing the difference having no broody’s and no-one moulting can make!  And of course, two new layers in KiKi and Crystal.  Still striving for that first ever 6/6 

Possible storms predicted for this afternoon and I just hope they hold off until lunch time when I plan to put the covers back on the coop and runs.  It is a bit of juggling match for timing .. do not want to put them on too early because it makes it warmish in the run but if I leave it too late, soggy deep litter :sick

With our current switching weather pattern, I am getting quite adept at putting the covers on and taking them off again ;)  

Very sweet, sounds like they were trying to protect u too! So glad ur getting plenty of eggs now u so deserve them lol

Satay ! I love your frizzle and am Hoping and Praying I have a polish silver lace frizzle.

I'll get pics tonight to show everyone ! Please please be frizzed !

Please be frizzled!!! Looks very cute and fluffy! :-D

OMG! Mine! Gimmmeee! ;)

So cute!  Yep, leaning towards frizzle I think :fl

NO! U have LuLu haha or is it KiKi? Lulu's the frizzle? Im next in line, gimme!! Haha

Again, thank you Fancy ..... much appreciated. 

I read the link you provided, and none of those situations apply.   e.g. I have never fed lucerne, and never would - to chickens.   And I don't mix up my own vitamins.  

However --- stress could well be a component for my girls.   They 'seem' placid enough, but I know flocks of cockatoos upset them enormously, they 'seem' happy with Miss Ruby dog, but are they really  ( Molly RIR does peck at her through the fence - and Mindy plays games of 'run away and then attack' ) ..... and the guy at the back seems to be forever hammering, sawing, and using drills and chainsaws ( rowdiest neighbour I have ever had ).   And he's right behind the coops.  However, all has settled down now ... and have not found any blood rivers or even blood spots in the past couple of weeks.  ( and I haven't heard too much noise from the back - he might be away !! -- or has finished his projects  )

Mindy however, is still laying some soft shells - or part soft shells - sometimes rough feeling softish shells - one half developed properly and the top half not today .... she kicks out the straw and/or wood shavings in her laying box, stands up and 'drops' the egg ( which they all do ) .... which, if not properly formed, breaks or has a small rough indent in the top onto the flooring in her nesting box, which is masonite.  

I was giving her some cheese for calcium, but now find that it is high protein as well, so will discontinue that.   Am on the search now for calcium carbonate in powder form to add to a dryish rice mix with vegies, rolled oats, etc. etc. ... ( my mix they love ) .... and will sprinkle a teaspoon or so of that on her bowl of it.  

I have been told by sooo many that chickens will ' know' when to eat shell  for calcium etc., but she FLATLY refuses to eat oyster shell offered, or any other shell ( ground up egg shells )  offered in food - she eats - and then I find the ground egg shells all laying about, untouched --- it is very obvious on the ground.   She is absolutely weird.  :barnie

Whichever way one looks at it - her body mechanics are not doing the right thing.   The poor little darling still keeps trying to give 6 eggs out of 7 days .... would some vitamin supplement help ?  I am waiting on the delivery of some calcium powder ( for chickens and horses ) to be available from the stock and produce store next Friday.   

Meantime - I keep a close eye on her.  

Cheers ------  Anniebee

Yep im a total believer that animals will eat what they need to when they need to but mine never eat the calcium from ground up shells i give them either haha. I actually have a girl that has been laying soft eggs about the same time as urs too. Just keeping an eye on her, she doesnt seem too stressed or unhealthy. Is frustrating tho, just wanna shove the calcium down her throat! Haha.

My flock were all complaining when i got home that i hadnt been home to talk to them or feed them any extras all day. Except for the small amount i gave them when i let them out this morning.

Sooo much housework to do tomoro. Will attempt pruning some more of my trees as well :) thinking lots of girly thoughts for all those with young chicks! ;-)
Hi Apps and mamabbokbok, it's very frustrating but I can't find the panels on the bunnings website either!!!I actually saw them in my local bunnings only two weeks ago so I know they are there, or were there. :idunno

I also did a search online and found a thread on a site called Backyard Poultry Forum about using the panels as portable chook fencing. I actually think that is where I got the idea from a few years back. The thread was 'Backyard Poultry Forums - View Topic- Portable Fencing - update' or 'cheap cages from Bunnings stores'.

Anyway I will pop into Bunnings tomorrow and try and hunt down the product name, etc.
The BAckyard poultry forum people called them 'garden tidy' panels. They are flat packed and non -descript usually wedged between compost bins.

Last I looked they were about $29 for 4 panels. I have been steadily buying them over the years when I have seen them and spread the cost out that way.
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Hi Apps and mamabbokbok, it's very frustrating but I can't find the panels on the bunnings website either!!!I actually saw them in my local bunnings only two weeks ago so I know they are there, or were there. :idunno

I also did a search online and found a thread on a site called Backyard Poultry Forum about using the panels as portable chook fencing. I actually think that is where I got the idea from a few years back. The thread was 'Backyard Poultry Forums - View Topic- Portable Fencing - update' or 'cheap cages from Bunnings stores'.

Anyway I will pop into Bunnings tomorrow and try and hunt down the product name, etc.
The BAckyard poultry forum people called them 'garden tidy' panels. They are flat packed and non -descript usually wedged between compost bins.

Last I looked they were about $29 for 4 panels. I have been steadily buying them over the years when I have seen them and spread the cost out that way.

They are awesome, I wonder if I could use this stuff to easily extend my coop run? I was going to do it with metal poles I found at the tip shop connected with pvc joints to create a frame and then zip tie mesh onto the sides kinda like a DIY I also found on google, but make a removable lid from boards so that it was accessible and extend the mesh to form a barrier to bury at the bottom to hold it down/block digging in, but I can't seem to get any help to do it
I just want to extend the coop run about 4 metres to keep them safe when I'm not home, wasn't planning on it being mobile.
Good morning Friends

Hey RodneyRooster “sounds like they were trying to protect u too!” .. I did not think of that! I thought they were coming to me for protection but they have been trying to get me to take cover also

Lol .. yep, I was being greedy! I have two Frizzles ….


And LuLu

Lolz Sam I thought when I said “gimmmeee” that I might be taken up on that if (s)he was a He

Fingers crossed for a Frizzle girl for you

*Sigh* gotta go into the office today for meetings ... working from home is wonderful but it is a real shock to the system when I have to dress-up-for-the-office
Good morning Friends :frow Hey RodneyRooster “sounds like they were trying to protect u too!” .. I did not think of that! I thought they were coming to me for protection but they have been trying to get me to take cover also ;) Lol .. yep, I was being greedy! I have two Frizzles …. KiKi And LuLu Lolz Sam I thought when I said “gimmmeee” that I might be taken up on that if (s)he was a He ;) Fingers crossed for a Frizzle girl for you :fl *Sigh* gotta go into the office today for meetings ... working from home is wonderful but it is a real shock to the system when I have to dress-up-for-the-office ;)
Such stunning girls :love
Thank You satay ... I do have a soft spot for the Frizzles, they are such little clowns! :)

YES! :yesss:  Just logged on to work to check if any major issues before I head into the office and the meetings have been cancelled!  Woo hoo, no dress ups for me today ;)

Yay for cancelled meetings :) You sound like me if i go to the city to go out with mum for the day it's like... Omg where are my city clothes lol. I used to love dressing up once now not so much lol.
Yay for cancelled meetings
You sound like me if i go to the city to go out with mum for the day it's like... Omg where are my city clothes lol. I used to love dressing up once now not so much lol.

Tee hee ... yep, I do not think shorts and T-shirt, messy hair and no make up is the preferred attire for the meetings and yep, dressing up is a chore .... where did I put that one pair of work shoes?? lol

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