Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Aww look what DS found when he locked the chooks up tonight. Apparently the babies have decided at 5 1/2 weeks they are big enough to sleep with everybody else instead of in their own box :). Not sure if Penny could move any further over lol. They still make her a little nervous so it's funny they chose to sit right next to her on the otherwise empty perch


Think I better get up bright and early to let them all out just in case

That is so typical of chicks. Mine also do that from about 5 weeks, some times sooner. It's funny they way you get groups that roost on top of each other and others that that like a lot of space.
That is so typical of chicks. Mine also do that from about 5 weeks, some times sooner. It's funny they way you get groups that roost on top of each other and others that that like a lot of space.

Well in this case it's more that penny's little silkie wings can't get her up to the top perch with everyone else :). Even her surrogate baby from last year eventually deserted her. Maybe these ones will keep her company when they are bigger as they are running out of room on that top perch :)
Well in this case it's more that penny's little silkie wings can't get her up to the top perch with everyone else :). Even her surrogate baby from last year eventually deserted her. Maybe these ones will keep her company when they are bigger as they are running out of room on that top perch :)

Well all my perches are the same height and I have 2 silkies that roost with lots of space and others that bunch up. My RIR also won't tolerate having anyone but the rooster within reach of her.
Hello chicken friends all. I am still more of a stalker than a talker. My 6 month old son has decided that sleep is for the weak and cut down his naps so not much opportunity for typing. My chicks are growing and getting a bit too big for their brooder so I have started putting them in a little outdoor coop within the main chicken run when the weather is warm. I even have a wired up wooden cot with no bottom which I put them in for some grassy forage time when I free range the flock. I added a low wooden perch so they can hone their perching skills. Being on the mid north coast we have been getting a fair amount of rain lately making the chook run a bog. The ducks love it tho! Makes me a bit glad that right now everyone is eating medicated feed cause of my broody hatched chick and ducklings. The eggs are starting to pile up tho since I'm not sure if I can eat them. I've started boiling them with frozen diced veggies and mashing them up to feed to the flock. They love it! Blackie my mumma hen has decided that her motherly duties are basically over and now her chick perches beside her on the top perch. Blackie has also started to lay again. I am staring at the very real possibility of having to move early next year. There was some discussion earlier in this thread about the logistics of moving and I hear you! 2 dogs, 1 cat, 4 birds (including an aviary breeding pair), fish, a snake, a lizard, a spider, and of course my flock which will be approx 8 hens and 2 ducks. Gotta move all that with a car hating baby and a toddler down to the hunter valley area! Ohh, and all the stuff In our house of course. Aarrrgggghhhh! :barnie It's a daunting thought. What's the best way to move poultry?
Hi Lana, welcome to the Aussie thread. :). Sounds like you have your hands full.
When relocating poultry its best to get their coops set up at the new place , put them in pet carriers at night ( less traumatic for the birds ) and try to avoid traveling in the heat of the day. Chickens should be locked up for a week once they are in their new abode. This familiarize s them so that they know where to seek refuge and where to lay eggs. :)
Good morning Friends

Meeka3 I have to say it, in that first pic of your Guineas, it’s head looks painted

Congrats on the new additions, or new ‘work force’ is probably more appropriate. I do hope they work out for you and help keep the nasties at bay as well as being great early warning devices.

Tee hee tandykins, I do like your profile pic

Loved the Kissybum story and Bruno stories. Sorry to hear you have been feeling a bit down and yep, next year is going to be a good one!

Aaaaw appps your little bubbies are all growed up! Adorable!

Eeek at possibly having to move LanaDucky … not fun

Oh joy, joy, happy, happy … Blondie is broody! Too subtle? I can laden it with more sarcasm if required

The only good thing about Blondie being broody is that KiKi does not think she should be broody either and I may just have a helper in the broody breaker department .. every time Blondie tries to settle into the nest, KiKi goes in and boots her out!

I hope everyone copes OK with the hot weekend predicted; some of temps are not going to be fun.

I think we are in for 35 tomorrow .. I do not care how hot it gets, the lawns are going to be mowed … couldn’t do them last weekend because of the rain! Also, the filter on the ponds has clogged up and we have what looks like Goldfish & Pea soup; draining, cleaning and pump repairs are definitely on the agenda.
Grrrrrrrr! It didnt post! Now i gotta write it all over again! And attach.

Hi guys, havent been on in nearly 2 weeks! Crazy. So not going back through everything lol.

Yes the sleeping of roost thing is gorgeous. My 3 week old chicks are sleeping on the roost too. It was sooo adorable i almost melted when i seen it the other day. Mum holds her wing out to shelter them as she would on the ground :)

Seen a bit about the heat, yes we struggled with our 41 degree day this week but no losses so im pleased.

Miss Vonte and her chicks have now decided they want free range of the entire property so they have been in the back yard with the dog the last 2 days. Very much hoping he continues to behave himself! Its his first time. Thats where they are in the pics ill share.

Theyre getting so big! Lots of long necks and combs now...





So I'm having a moment here. XD

Queenie's chicks are 3 weeks old today and she's been a lovely and doting mum and kept all 9 of them alive so far. Probably at least partly because I'm a super-paranoid mum and have kept them in a brooder together thus far. Her flock has been able to see her chicks and her and the only note of aggression I've seen is from a younger hen who gave a growl to a chick - though she is now brooding her own eggs.

At this point I'm contemplating the best time to let them out into the yard in general - but as my chickens are pastured, I'm EXTREMELY anxious. I keep thinking about letting them out but immediately picture a horrific bloodbath. Should I? Shouldn't I? Just one more week? Am I being a helicopter mum? XD

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