Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Sounds like this vaccine business isn't going to work for me
. Guess I'll just continue on as is.
Thank you all so much for your help. K-spot I'll reply to your PM soon.
ost my little EE today I'm not sure what happened but when I came home she was laying on her side in the run. The run door was open and everyone was out in the yard. She hasn't got a mark on her and hasn't shown any signs of being unwell. Very upset about losing a favourite in my flock :'( I'm not sure what to do. Her little friend is very upset. The two of them have been together since chicks and I have slowly integrated them into the flock. What do I do? Her friend the little frizzle is so much smaller than the others and I'm worried about her being bullied. They are/were 21 weeks.
Sounds like this vaccine business isn't going to work for me
. Guess I'll just continue on as is.
Thank you all so much for your help. K-spot I'll reply to your PM soon.
If you are not having troubles then I would not worry about it, more cost and it does not increase resale.

Some people won't buy vaccinated birds, others won't buy them unless they are.
Thanks Fancy. I will try to increase her water intake while I am home during the evenings.despite her looking so weak and sickly she sure can put up a fight against forcing her to drink something.

I will powder again in 10 days. After I clean coop do I need to put anything on the ground around the coop??

It has only been a day since powdering her.... would it be worthwhile putting her in the sun in the garden for a little while so she can have a dustbath?? I feel like I can just see dead mites sitting on her feathers.

Also...... when would I be most like to see improvements in her health?? 2-3 days..?? a week?? I am just think I should have a back up plan and be mentally prepared if there is no improvement.


Sorry for your loss :hit
Thank you Satay your comment was much appreciated :)

So we are now getting one egg a day with three chickens! I'm assuming we only have one laying ATM ? One of my girls has a white pasty bottom but it's not blocking anything, washed her today but not really sure what else to do?? Any suggestions??
Tried something new today. I primarily stay on the layer feed with the occasional treat so today I
Mixed some rolled oats and water added some watermelon was gone in seconds.
Just a question how often can I give them the oats?
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Thank you Satay your comment was much appreciated :)

So we are now getting one egg a day with three chickens! I'm assuming we only have one laying ATM ? One of my girls has a white pasty bottom but it's not blocking anything, washed her today but not really sure what else to do?? Any suggestions??
Tried something new today. I primarily stay on the layer feed with the occasional treat so today I
Mixed some rolled oats and water added some watermelon was gone in seconds.
Just a question how often can I give them the oats?

Sounds like vent gleet. If it is only mild try adding a teaspoon of ACV with mother ( available at woolworths ) to the water. It will help lower the PH level and I give mine some Greek yoghurt , probiotics.
If you are going to feed rolled oats it's best to soak them in hot water. If anyone gorges themselves on them you may risk crop impaction.
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ost my little EE today I'm not sure what happened but when I came home she was laying on her side in the run. The run door was open and everyone was out in the yard. She hasn't got a mark on her and hasn't shown any signs of being unwell. Very upset about losing a favourite in my flock :'( I'm not sure what to do. Her little friend is very upset. The two of them have been together since chicks and I have slowly integrated them into the flock. What do I do? Her friend the little frizzle is so much smaller than the others and I'm worried about her being bullied. They are/were 21 weeks.

Oh so sorry. :hugs
If you can , sit with them and just quietly observe how she is interacting with the others, a bowl of scrambled egg usually helps ' break the ice ' . Hopefully there will be someone in the flock willing to take her under their wing. :)
ost my little EE today I'm not sure what happened but when I came home she was laying on her side in the run. The run door was open and everyone was out in the yard. She hasn't got a mark on her and hasn't shown any signs of being unwell. Very upset about losing a favourite in my flock :'( I'm not sure what to do. Her little friend is very upset. The two of them have been together since chicks and I have slowly integrated them into the flock. What do I do? Her friend the little frizzle is so much smaller than the others and I'm worried about her being bullied. They are/were 21 weeks.

Sorry for your loss. It's hard to loose one and even harder if you don't know the cause. Keep an eye on your frizzle she may just blend in well with the others and all would be ok. I have small hens and large hens all together in one pen and they seem to get on fine.

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