Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Sam your came up itself tomato looks a 100 times better than the ones I bought at the nursery. Not having a good year with mine for some reason.
Teilah, I love your ad!! I hope you find Spot a good home soon.

Those tomatoes are looking delicious Sam. Yummo.
I'm looking forward to the end of summer, so I can get started on my own veg gardens again. The poor things have been so neglected this year.

Guess what I woke up to at 4am this morning.... Our first chick hatching!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEE :ya :weee :ya

One Barnevelder and two Australorps have made it out so far.
Just hoping like heck that more of the Barnies make it through too.





So pretty :love Congrats :weee
Sam your came up itself tomato looks a 100 times better than the ones I bought at the nursery. Not having a good year with mine for some reason.

Mine are looking shocking too but it's lack of rain. We totally missed the rains from the storms that hit yesterday we got wicked winds branches flying everywhere but not a drop of rain. I swear we live under a dome at the moment. Hubby got wind and big hail and rain at fernvale. I did get some joy from looking at a pic of Ks rain though :)
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Sorry for your loss FreeRanging :( Looks like you are going to have your hands full very shortly with all those chickens :)
Speaking of loss, Soy's other siblings, well all but 3 and mum were killed 2 nights ago :( (7 chicks)
Pete thought it was a fox, but found mum all battered up and head still intact, so am guessing a feral cat :(
So been improving his coop :) Made a little safe house for the chickies that are left :)

Those tomatoes are looking awesome Sam :)
Sorry for your loss FreeRanging :( Looks like you are going to have your hands full very shortly with all those chickens :)
Speaking of loss, Soy's other siblings, well all but 3 and mum were killed 2 nights ago :( (7 chicks)
Pete thought it was a fox, but found mum all battered up and head still intact, so am guessing a feral cat :(
So been improving his coop :) Made a little safe house for the chickies that are left :)

Those tomatoes are looking awesome Sam :)


My funny from yesterday. We have a 13 year old cat ty who my son got when he was in grade 1. He is a bully. He used to beat up the other cats when we lived in the city. Our dogs are terrified of him and he even crash tackled patsy the sheep to the ground and put a cut in her face when she was 2 days old.. Yesterday I hear the cat going off outside the door . I know he is not having a go at the dogs as they are inside with me. I race out thinking he is going a snake or something and what do I see. My pekin rooster is beating the crud out of him. Ty is fighting back but the roo keeps coming. I had to get in the middle and break them up. I think the cat was in shock that something dared to have a go at him .:lau Neither were hurt in the incident but the cat stayed inside the rest of the day. My pekin roo is going through is adolescence and has a bit of an attitude at the moment. Samuel carries him around and never has a problem with him while he is here. I watch them of course. Samuel tells me it's ok kimmy he lubs me... He sure seems to love Samuel but not the cat.
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