Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Aaaand we have ticks again...dammit! From what i have read though they don't survive in metal joins, only wood. Can anyone back this up?

At least I know how best to treat the chooks this time too (dettol baths).
So my chookies are finally laying more than two eggs a day and I find myself with a glut of eggs.

Thinking quiche or frittata might be a good starting point to use up the extras. Anyone got any quick and easy egg recipe ideas?
Lemon curd, custard, ice cream, pickled eggs, angel food cake, pavlova, impossible pie, egg sandwiches, egg salad, potato salad, mayonnaise, all available on google. Delia Smith did a whole TV show on eggs...look on YouTube.
Lemon curd, custard, ice cream, pickled eggs, angel food cake, pavlova, impossible pie, egg sandwiches, egg salad, potato salad, mayonnaise, all available on google. Delia Smith did a whole TV show on eggs...look on YouTube.

Some good ideas there I had forgotten. Custard sounds good for tonight :)

Have to say cannot imagine pickled eggs. Did a google since posting and that kept coming up but I just can't imagine even what they would taste like. Immediate reaction was ewwww lol
Pickled eggs are nice, actually, but like all pickles they are an acquired taste!

When I have an egg glut, I make all the things I can't justify because they 'waste' too many eggs - like REAL Carbonara, with no cream, just delicious egg yolk.

I highly recommend smoked devilled eggs, which are very rich and naughty.
As part of a ploughman's lunch a pickled egg is a wonderful thing. It's very British..I think a lot of old school pubs in the UK probably have them behind the bar.(Moe's Tavern in The Simpsons has a big jar)
Maybe they wear teeny tiny adventure sandals with teeny tiny knee highs?

Mental picture happening for this ... maybe they "goose step too

Lemon curd, custard, ice cream, pickled eggs, angel food cake, pavlova, impossible pie, egg sandwiches, egg salad, potato salad, mayonnaise, all available on google. Delia Smith did a whole TV show on eggs...look on YouTube.

Great thoughts here ... will have to go check out YouTube in readiness.

Some good ideas there I had forgotten. Custard sounds good for tonight :)

Have to say cannot imagine pickled eggs. Did a google since posting and that kept coming up but I just can't imagine even what they would taste like. Immediate reaction was ewwww lol

Have to agree my first thought was ewwww too

Pickled eggs are nice, actually, but like all pickles they are an acquired taste!

When I have an egg glut, I make all the things I can't justify because they 'waste' too many eggs - like REAL Carbonara, with no cream, just delicious egg yolk.

I highly recommend smoked devilled eggs, which are very rich and naughty.

Gee I never thought of some of these ... again will have to google and thank you all for sharing
Yes I flushed it out, unfortunately my husband draws the line at having her indoors (my dogs are primarily inside with us when we are home anyway as well).

Would it be worth flushing again?
My husband drew the line at having a chicken indoors too.

Until I told him that if he made me choose between himself and the chickens he could pack his bags or start crapping eggs for me. ;)

No more walking up the laneway calling for chooks who have escaped under the gate! I wonder if the
neighbours find me crazy or funny with 3 cats and 4 hens following me around!
Story. Of. My life. I'm sorry for your losses.

Morning everyone! New Aussie (Ipswich, QLD) chook lover here!

We are beginning suburban homesteading and have 6 chicks (3 Pekin bantams and 3 Rhode Island reds)

Welcome! Half-assed urban homesteading from Gunning, NSW here!

Quote: Augh this makes me nervous. One of my neighbours (albeit several blocks away) lost 2 chooks to foxes recently and has had multiple attacks despite keeping them in a run and I just let mine run wild over half an acre unfenced. We've somehow lucked out on the fox front but I have to wonder if it will last. :/
Lemon curd, custard, ice cream, pickled eggs, angel food cake, pavlova, impossible pie, egg sandwiches, egg salad, potato salad, mayonnaise, all available on google. Delia Smith did a whole TV show on eggs...look on YouTube.

Ooer. I've been selling all of my eggs lately to pay for feed/bedding (and more chickens >.>) but things slowed down a little due my being caught up in studying and not boosting my ads soon enough - so I've got about 2 dozen eggs too old for incubation but great for eating. I'm going to get ultra fat. Yumyumyum. I should try making my own mayonnaise. I cannot -stand- the mayo in Australia. It's sweet and blech. Mayo should be creamy and a little salty without a hint of sweetness. Y'all are weird.

Augh now I'm making carbonara for dinner and angelfood cake for dessert. Enablers, you're all a bunch of enablers!

I can study while cooking, right? Yeah that'll totally work (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

So today I went outside in the morning and did my usual bonding method with my chickens of offering them cracked corn. Later, wanting a break from studying and having some scratch mix on hand for just such a treat, I went out again (I normally only do this once day) and offered them some new treats. Apparently the chickens decided that I was spending too much time with them and held an intervention. No one came to my chook bonding party. Jerks.

In other news, I got bitten three times today by one of my roosters who was apparently certain that I was manhandling his hens. I flatly ignored him but holy crap rooster bites. They don't look like much and they heal fast but they hurt when you get them! It's hard to keep my composure and not react when he's doing it. I refuse to let a chicken make me into a chicken by rising to his challenge.

Now...where are my pans? I need to cook ALL the things.

Oooh, I have lemons too! What are you people doing to me?! I shall become gloriously fat and will have to be rolled around Violet Beauregarde style in order to feed my chickens. Fo' reals.
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@tandykins Thank you. And my partner reckons it is more suprising we hadn't been hit before! We don't have dogs and we have a holey fence! We also live near a rarely used trainline, near silos, in a rural wee town...
Hahaha my rooster is a rather nice wee fellow...he has only come at me twice in a threatening manner and both times has backed off very quick when i stamped my foot and growled at him! He knows i am boss! Me and my hose!

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