Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning Folks

Sidhe13 the smallest girl in my flock lays the biggest eggs of the bunch and the biggest girl lays the smallest!

That is when anyone is laying of course .. got a grand total of 4 eggs last week. With Dusty molting, Blondie going from broody to a molt and Cilla with her bubs, LuLu is the only one laying … bless her little frizzled feathers!

Fancy Wow, a triple yolker! I am yet to see even a double!

When I took breakfast to Cilla this morning, she left the nest, bubbies in tow … boy was she hungry! When I left her, she was laying on the ground, the bubs were tucked under her wings and she still had her beak in the breakfast bowl!

I am yet to see her take a drink and teach them, but with the amount of chick start she has sucked into herself, I am sure she will be thirsty very soon!

So, we got 5 out of 8. Only got pics of 4 of them but, if you know me, you know there will be more pics coming!

Good morning Folks :frow Sidhe13 the smallest girl in my flock lays the biggest eggs of the bunch and the biggest girl lays the smallest! That is when anyone is laying of course .. got a grand total of 4 eggs last week. With Dusty molting, Blondie going from broody to a molt and Cilla with her bubs, LuLu is the only one laying … bless her little frizzled feathers! Fancy Wow, a triple yolker! I am yet to see even a double! When I took breakfast to Cilla this morning, she left the nest, bubbies in tow … boy was she hungry! When I left her, she was laying on the ground, the bubs were tucked under her wings and she still had her beak in the breakfast bowl! I am yet to see her take a drink and teach them, but with the amount of chick start she has sucked into herself, I am sure she will be thirsty very soon! So, we got 5 out of 8. Only got pics of 4 of them but, if you know me, you know there will be more pics coming! ;)
Gratz Teila. :love

Rosey was in Lyndhurst just scratching down the footpath - I had to give her a name even if only temporarily. There is construction and road works in the street at the moment so was worried she'd get hurt.

I was going to ring the vet today but got side tracked once I got to work. Another job for tomorrow. I left messages with people living near where I picked her up. People in Queenstown and Landsboro Avenues have poultry too. And there is a cockerel that pops into my yard as well but I think he escaped dinner. I see him hanging around a vacant house in the same street - but haven't been able to catch him. He looks Rhode Island Red.

How have your girls been coping with the Mosquitos? They have been bad.

I like your tag - and so very right about a chook wanting breakfast. My head hen actually crows like a rooster if not fed by 6am.


The mosquitos' are the worst I have known them to be this year. One of the neighbours was diagnosed with ross river fever last week.
Good morning Folks :frow Sidhe13 the smallest girl in my flock lays the biggest eggs of the bunch and the biggest girl lays the smallest! That is when anyone is laying of course .. got a grand total of 4 eggs last week. With Dusty molting, Blondie going from broody to a molt and Cilla with her bubs, LuLu is the only one laying … bless her little frizzled feathers! Fancy Wow, a triple yolker! I am yet to see even a double! When I took breakfast to Cilla this morning, she left the nest, bubbies in tow … boy was she hungry! When I left her, she was laying on the ground, the bubs were tucked under her wings and she still had her beak in the breakfast bowl! I am yet to see her take a drink and teach them, but with the amount of chick start she has sucked into herself, I am sure she will be thirsty very soon! So, we got 5 out of 8. Only got pics of 4 of them but, if you know me, you know there will be more pics coming! ;)
l Awe. :love
The mosquitos' are the worst I have known them to be this year. One of the neighbours was diagnosed with ross river fever last week.

Agreed. They are the worst.

My mum got Ross a River too.

I would really appreciate ideas to give the chooks some relief if anyone has any. I'm just hoping we get a cold snap to knock the biters back a bit.
Howdy Folks :frow

Sidhe13 I am so, so sorry to read about you loss :(

Ashburnham your Indian Game’s are beautiful!

Lol Fancy I also wish you had the camera handy; that would have been funny to see.

Steampunked your Kookaburra v chicken gave me a chuckle also.

MyHaven maybe you should have called Rosey, Lyndy ;)

I did not realise there were that many chickens around here!  I thought I heard a rooster crowing one morning but only the once.

Yeah, the mosquitos have been bad this year!  The girls just eat them!  The gold fish in the ponds have a nice feed also.

The Dusty Main Event Molt continues and she now has minimal feathers on her chest, back, legs and now today .. neck!

They are not flattering but they do show just how many feathers she has lost.

Also, not only do we have black feathers in the fish ponds, on the fence, on the deck and all over the lawn, LuLu was wandering around this afternoon with a couple of black feathers hanging off her!

So, on the evening of Day 20 we have 5 bubbies!!  No pips in the remaining three eggs but seen as Cilla is not going to be moving around tonight, these three have been left where they are until tomorrow; just to give them a chance.

I managed to get some pictures of some of them this afternoon but in light of Sidhe13’s sad news, I did not think it appropriate to share right now.

I'm more concerned about the girls when they sleep. If I check on them at night the mozzies are thick and with two moulting they have no protection.

There are a few chook keepers around the area. If the rooster was a couple of weeks ago he may be the same one I heard. He ended up on a plate I think. The people next door to me get roosters and have feasts with their church group. If it was the same one - you must be close to my place.

I'm more concerned about the girls when they sleep. If I check on them at night the mozzies are thick and with two moulting they have no protection.

There are a few chook keepers around the area. If the rooster was a couple of weeks ago he may be the same one I heard. He ended up on a plate I think. The people next door to me get roosters and have feasts with their church group. If it was the same one - you must be close to my place.


My Asian neighbours when I lived in the city used to do that too,. We would hear crows for a few nights then it would go quiet and a few days later there would be all the family around having a feast.
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Mozzie relief...lemons. lemon rind dried and put in the nesting boxes, and diluting lemon oil and applying it to feather ends...also wipe the roost in the lemon oil mix so it soaks into the wood and deters them...
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