Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Funny you should be discussing pecking orders. I was laughing at my flock yesterday. It was first time they could free range in 4 days due to fence reconstruction and there was a lot of chest bumping and flared hackles the rooster joined in. Wilma is the top hen in the baby flock ( 5 mths old now) all she did was raise up on her toes and stood her ground. The rest left her be after that until the roo tried it and she gave him the " an who are you" look. And he backed off to have a game of tag the dog LOL I have never seen them behave like this before.
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Tee hee Sam your story pretty much sums up ‘been cooped up for days and going stir crazy’.

I love that your rooster plays tag the dog!

Crystal and KiKi were doing some minor chest bumping, chasing each other, generally being silly working out who was going to be top at the bottom and Crystal accidentally challenged mum .. Cilla raised her feathers and you could see instantly that Crystal was doing the whole “sorry mum, didn’t realise it was you” routine .. so cute!
Hehe yeah I can just imagine that too. Being a cattle dog Sam has a white tail tip and they sneak up behind him and peck it. It's like sneaking up on the enemy. Sam usually sticks his nose into his chest and Fred takes off lol it's almost like he is trying to prove he is tuff tagging the dog LOL.

Sounds like your flock is settling well Teila

Can anyone help? What is this. Cant bend the leg but can still move toes
We cleaned out the coop and put new perches up yesterday. So last night I spent half an hour teaching my 16 babies to sleep up there. Ampro was a lost cause and tucked up with the little ones. I had 14 of them up at the end of just kept jumping down and eventually snuggled up with the other babies. We will go again tonight.

Mama chook was up on the perch with one of her babies under her. I got photos but my laptop is busted so can't post
Aww that sounds like a cute sight :). Must be a long perch!

I forgot to put Carl and winry to bed from the bunny cage they'd been having their evening dinner in before dark. Had to carry them in and pop them up on the perch. As I'm walking off I can hear (and I shall translate for you). Stop pushing....your in my spot....she's pushing me.....but I was here first.....she's touching me, shes touching me.......sigh

Can anyone help? What is this. Cant bend the leg but can still move toes

You could try to make a leg brace using a small rubber band and a cut piece of straw, I'll try to find a pic of it. That would probably be from an incubation fault, like a late hatcher or a long hatch from pip to fully out.
You could try to make a leg brace using a small rubber band and a cut piece of straw, I'll try to find a pic of it. That would probably be from an incubation fault, like a late hatcher or a long hatch from pip to fully out.
thanks guys. It was stick8ng straight up and had an infection in the joint. I made the hard decision to cull as that chick also wasnt really eating and is half the size of the rest. All i could feel was bones when i picked her up. She was sweet though. Im having an awful run lately. Fingers crossed my luck turns around soon

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