Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning,

Some great stories over the weekend, thanks everyone one. RodneyRooster 8.15 you're kidding?

Hey, AB haven't chatted for too long. The bird is definitely a crow the white is near the shoulders and not as much as in your photo. It lives with crows, caws like a crow, steals eggs like a crow.....I'll take a photo and post it. We do have currawongs here. I haven't seen them around my home but I have seen many in the CBD. They live in the trees planted on the side of the roads. It always amazes me how adaptable they are when I hear there call in a concrete jungle.

Update on the two rescued eggs.

My lavender aracauna that was cheeping inside the egg didn't make it. She never pipped and had been silent and motionless for a long time. I couldn't help myself - I opened it up and it was too dry. Shame - I had had that do I, do I not intervene feeling. The easter eager though was out Sunday morning and still wet. I took her out to the hen but she pulled it out and pecked it. Poor Cageny has been traumatised. I'll try again later. I hope she takes it. I couldn't try last night because of storms.

Now I'm wondering what to do with "her" today to ensure the cat doesn't eat her. I'm not set up with brooders. "She" is under a lamp but if I cover "her" box to protect "her" the heat won't get in. I guess "she'll" have to sleep in my locked bed room. "She" has won me over already .



Happier snaps than the last.

Sorry for your loss. Congrats on your new little one.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts, the chicken has the hairiest little feet. Must have taken after mum (Maran) not dad (lavender Araucana)

Someone asked about roosters and sorry to those who this upsets, but I have just found a guy on the Northside of Brisbane who kills and dresses for $5.

Have a good day/week everyone
Hey MyHaven thank you for the tip on the Northside guy; it didn’t upset me … problem here is by the time they would have grown out to a size worth eating my neighbours will have killed and dressed me

I know it is crazy but I have no problem eating chicken; just can't bring myself to eat one that I raised :)
Hey MyHaven thank you for the tip on the Northside guy; it didn’t upset me  … problem here is by the time they would have grown out to a size worth eating my neighbours will have killed and dressed me ;)  :lau

I know it is crazy but I have no problem eating chicken; just can't bring myself to eat one that I raised :)

I feel the same way
Can't eat my chookies I just give it to someone who will. I have got one rooster who has started crowing at five months I bought one of those no crow rooster collars works well. He still can make regular noise eat and drink just not crow. Couldn't give him away my kids will not be happy
I feel the same way
Can't eat my chookies I just give it to someone who will. I have got one rooster who has started crowing at five months I bought one of those no crow rooster collars works well. He still can make regular noise eat and drink just not crow. Couldn't give him away my kids will not be happy

How loud is he ? Like would he still be loud enough to give obnoxious neighbour a reason to complain?
While I do not have roosters and therefore, far from an expert on their crowing or no crow collars, have I jumped up on my ‘Please be careful with collars’ soap box in this thread before?

As I mention, I sort of have no opinion either way because no roosters, but please be very careful, I have read a few posts from people who have lost roosters due to choking and a close friend of mine nearly lost her BCM rooster also during the ‘tweaking’ stage.

Even with the collar 'just right' she still had to put him in his 'man cave' every night because she could still hear him and therefore, so could the neighbours. However, it worked great on that particular roosters son.

It can come down to each individual rooster as to whether it works or not.
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While I do not have roosters and therefore, far from an expert on their crowing or no crow collars, have I jumped up on my ‘Please be careful with collars’ soap box in this thread before? ;)

As I mention, I sort of have no opinion either way because no roosters, but please be very careful, I have read a few posts from people who have lost roosters due to choking and a close friend of mine nearly lost her BCM rooster also during the ‘tweaking’ stage.

Even with the collar 'just right' she still had to put him in his 'man cave' every night because she could still hear him and therefore, so could the neighbours.  However, it worked great on that particular roosters son.

It can come down to each individual rooster as to whether it works or not. 

I'm right up there with you on your soap box. Most definitely a ' choke hazard ' . I don't like to see animals with leads or halters on in paddocks either.
How loud is he ? Like would he still be loud enough to give obnoxious neighbour a reason to complain?

Nope the hens are a lot louder when they sing the egg song. I sometimes end up coming out to check because men they make a rakus of it.
While I do not have roosters and therefore, far from an expert on their crowing or no crow collars, have I jumped up on my ‘Please be careful with collars’ soap box in this thread before? ;)

As I mention, I sort of have no opinion either way because no roosters, but please be very careful, I have read a few posts from people who have lost roosters due to choking and a close friend of mine nearly lost her BCM rooster also during the ‘tweaking’ stage.

Even with the collar 'just right' she still had to put him in his 'man cave' every night because she could still hear him and therefore, so could the neighbours.  However, it worked great on that particular roosters son.

It can come down to each individual rooster as to whether it works or not. 

True have to be very careful have to supervise the roo for the first few weeks. I check at night before I go to bed that he is ok
it took three weeks before I worked out where to place the collar have to find the right spot. Can't just put the collar and bang works straight away does take some patience and lots of mealworms lol

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