Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

If it's a janoel 48 I found a blog that explained it much better than the Chinese instructions.
Huh - it's actually not that model but it looks to use the -exact- same controller, so those instructions should actually work for me anyway! XD Thank you! <3 I was about to go looking for something like that.

Yep thats what i use for nesting boxes and theyve always done well with them :)

Oh how exciting about the incubator!! Id be more excited about that too lol, by far!


I found it on Becky's Homestead - a YouTuber who appears to basically be living my life's dream. When I saw it, I wanted to headdesk. OF COURSE. SO SIMPLE!!!
Hi, I think I introduced myself already and have been lurking for a couple of weeks. My chicks are four weeks old tomorrow and are growing like weeds. I'm hanging out to get them their coop as 9 of them fill the little guinea pig hutch. I wasn't expecting as many as 9 of my 12 eggs to hatch seeing as it was my first time incubating. I'm also getting so sick of cleaning out their water several times a day, the pine shavings are atrocious and if they're hanging over the edge of the waterer they make all of the bedding wet. I'm making a nipple watering system for them but my 18 year old son cleaned off the kitchen table and threw the envelope with the nipple waterers in it in the bin. Grrr! Now I have to wait for new ones to be delivered. I've been letting them out for a little bit when I fix their food and water, to explore, although they don't venture more than a couple of feet from their hutch. They've just been having chick starter feed but I think they might be ready for more, I'm wondering if I should put some dirt or dig up some grass with the dirt and give it to them? They're so cute and fluffy and I love seeing which part of them will start feathering next. They're named Chika, Emma, Alicia 'fluffy', Raptosaurus, Yvorra, and Valkyrie. My 3 year old changes her one's name 3 times a day but at the moment it's Bonny and there's a couple without names.

Have you guys seen these ? Bit fancier than what we did. Hubby simply drilled holes into the base of the bucket and screwed the buckets directly to the wall. I buy my laundry powder in buckets and they are very sturdy, easy to clean.
No i havent, very cool. I feel as tho my lard asses wouldnt fit tho lol
Hi, I think I introduced myself already and have been lurking for a couple of weeks. My chicks are four weeks old tomorrow and are growing like weeds. I'm hanging out to get them their coop as 9 of them fill the little guinea pig hutch. I wasn't expecting as many as 9 of my 12 eggs to hatch seeing as it was my first time incubating. I'm also getting so sick of cleaning out their water several times a day, the pine shavings are atrocious and if they're hanging over the edge of the waterer they make all of the bedding wet. I'm making a nipple watering system for them but my 18 year old son cleaned off the kitchen table and threw the envelope with the nipple waterers in it in the bin. Grrr! Now I have to wait for new ones to be delivered. I've been letting them out for a little bit when I fix their food and water, to explore, although they don't venture more than a couple of feet from their hutch. They've just been having chick starter feed but I think they might be ready for more, I'm wondering if I should put some dirt or dig up some grass with the dirt and give it to them? They're so cute and fluffy and I love seeing which part of them will start feathering next. They're named Chika, Emma, Alicia 'fluffy', Raptosaurus, Yvorra, and Valkyrie. My 3 year old changes her one's name 3 times a day but at the moment it's Bonny and there's a couple without names.
Gorgeous pics! Yes i remember u :) haha my youngest does that too so i just stick with the first one she chooses. Yep def give them more foods, they look like they need more space also. Just a quick one tonight, battery dying!
Put some silkie eggs in the bator and dropped one doh!! Broken hearted to see a perfectly developing little chookies inside
After all this the darn silkie decided to get broody and is sitting on some eggs refusing to budge. My poor marans dropped her egg in the run I opened the pen and the dog stole the egg
Checked on the chookies tonight and found another crushed egg in the run. Crikeys !!!!
Put some silkie eggs in the bator and dropped one doh!! Broken hearted to see a perfectly developing little chookies inside
After all this the darn silkie decided to get broody and is sitting on some eggs refusing to budge. My poor marans dropped her egg in the run I opened the pen and the dog stole the egg
Checked on the chookies tonight and found another crushed egg in the run. Crikeys !!!!
Uuuugh. My dog Bruno has started egg stealing again. I'm finding my plastic dummy eggs all over the yard from when he realizes he's not getting a tasty treat and drops them. I think it may be time for me to fill more shells with hot sauce and give doggy a treat. >:D
Hi, I think I introduced myself already and have been lurking for a couple of weeks. My chicks are four weeks old tomorrow and are growing like weeds. I'm hanging out to get them their coop as 9 of them fill the little guinea pig hutch. I wasn't expecting as many as 9 of my 12 eggs to hatch seeing as it was my first time incubating. I'm also getting so sick of cleaning out their water several times a day, the pine shavings are atrocious and if they're hanging over the edge of the waterer they make all of the bedding wet. I'm making a nipple watering system for them but my 18 year old son cleaned off the kitchen table and threw the envelope with the nipple waterers in it in the bin. Grrr! Now I have to wait for new ones to be delivered. I've been letting them out for a little bit when I fix their food and water, to explore, although they don't venture more than a couple of feet from their hutch. They've just been having chick starter feed but I think they might be ready for more, I'm wondering if I should put some dirt or dig up some grass with the dirt and give it to them? They're so cute and fluffy and I love seeing which part of them will start feathering next. They're named Chika, Emma, Alicia 'fluffy', Raptosaurus, Yvorra, and Valkyrie. My 3 year old changes her one's name 3 times a day but at the moment it's Bonny and there's a couple without names.

With my chicks I made a little outdoor run. I bought a cheap wooden foldable cot that had no base and cut the legs off it. I covered in it chook wire and cover it with a piece of colourbond fence type stuff or wood with a brick on top. I even got a piece of bottle brush branch and hung it off the wire bout halfway up the pen with zip ties. Ill try and get a photo of it tomorrow. It's what I put my chicks in on nice days so that they can learn to forage and perch. And its movable so you can make sure they always have the right amount of sun and shade. Then I just move their food and water dishes back and forth as I move the chicks. They absolutely love it! Gives them a bit more space and they can exercise their wings a bit.
Hi, I think I introduced myself already and have been lurking for a couple of weeks. My chicks are four weeks old tomorrow and are growing like weeds. I'm hanging out to get them their coop as 9 of them fill the little guinea pig hutch. I wasn't expecting as many as 9 of my 12 eggs to hatch seeing as it was my first time incubating. I'm also getting so sick of cleaning out their water several times a day, the pine shavings are atrocious and if they're hanging over the edge of the waterer they make all of the bedding wet. I'm making a nipple watering system for them but my 18 year old son cleaned off the kitchen table and threw the envelope with the nipple waterers in it in the bin. Grrr! Now I have to wait for new ones to be delivered. I've been letting them out for a little bit when I fix their food and water, to explore, although they don't venture more than a couple of feet from their hutch. They've just been having chick starter feed but I think they might be ready for more, I'm wondering if I should put some dirt or dig up some grass with the dirt and give it to them? They're so cute and fluffy and I love seeing which part of them will start feathering next. They're named Chika, Emma, Alicia 'fluffy', Raptosaurus, Yvorra, and Valkyrie. My 3 year old changes her one's name 3 times a day but at the moment it's Bonny and there's a couple without names.
It sounds like time for them to move from starter to grower, and definitely let them free range in supervision or a covered run if possible
So these are my babies in their preteen years so to speak, I'm thinking that one of my Blue Australorps is a Roo but I'm not sure about the rest. Any guesses that might be more educated than mine? The Blue and Gold Laced chicks are all about 4 weeks old. I got them all at the same time as day olds. The white chick in the last photo was the sole chick my broody managed to hatch out of 10 eggs and it is about 6 ish weeks.

Group Shot

Pingu, who I am hoping is a hen cause I love the cheeky lil ratbag.

Roger, because my nephew was visiting when they hatched and said that it must be roger whether its a boy or a girl.

The other one who doesn't have a name yet

and my suspected Roo who is also nameless.

My teenager who asserts itself over the chicks when they are together because they are the only ones smaller than it and even the ducklings who are younger out rank it on account of them being massive. If anyone has a guess as to its breed as well as gender that would be brilliant! I suspect Sussex is involved.

Loving all the photos and the crow stories and the broody hen stories crack me up. With the recent events in my life lord knows I could do with a laugh!
Aaaw MyHaven your story bought such a smile to my face :D

Can I suggest a couple of names?  Victor or Victoria [Vicki] meaning triumphant

They are good names. She just didn't quit. Pippi Longstocking came to mind for me. Real spunk. Only oldies will remember Pippi.

My little fellow is adamant it is Splash though to replace the Splash bantam of his that the fox took. They look nothing alike, but they both had rough starts out if the egg.

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