Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Wow a triple yolker, didn't even kno they existed!

I know I've never seen one before
Good morning friends

Ugh it is early and I have been up for an hour … I swear the girls take it in turns for whose turn it is to wake me up .. they wake me up and then once they know I am around and awake, go quiet. I jokingly said to hubby “I know what I am doing on my holidays, rehoming chickens!” Just kidding but I know I will not be sleeping in

Good to see you again locknest4, sorry no tip for the stick fast lice but as usual, sounds like Fancy has come to the rescue

Anniebee I do not think you are a fusspot and getting onto any changes in them early can be the difference between life and death. Better that you took some precautions, researched and asked questions and she is OK now than leaving her for another day and her being worse.

I think I have mentioned this before but during the routine, supervised free range one afternoon, Dusty decided to ‘hide’ under the coop for the majority of it. She looked spooked but the rest of the gals were out in the garden, happily pecking away, no signs of illness, stress or fright.

As the afternoon went on, Dusty got worse, she would not come out from under the coop. It was a while ago now so I cannot remember all the symptoms but I think she had droopy wings etc but no signs of egg issues.

I popped her up on the roost with the gals for the evening and was very concerned for her overnight. The next morning I went out to check and she was happy as .. absolutely no signs of anything amiss.

I wondered if she had eaten something that ‘upset’ her or saw something that none of the others did. Anyways, maybe sometimes they can just eat something or feel a little ‘under the weather’ like we do.

Chooks01 .. never had a double yolker [yet] and definitely not a triple!

Did you see the ‘new’ links on the BYC Banner?

- According to the Guinness World Records spokesperson the largest egg laid by a (chicken) hen had 5 yolks, measured 31cm (12.2 inches) round the long axis, 22.8cm (9 inches) round the short axis and weighed nearly 340g (12 oz). He didn't say if the poor hen survived.

- The most yolks found in one chicken egg was 9! Imagine incubating that!
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Good morning friends

Ugh it is early and I have been up for an hour … I swear the girls take it in turns for whose turn it is to wake me up .. they wake me up and then once they know I am around and awake, go quiet. I jokingly said to hubby “I know what I am doing on my holidays, rehoming chickens!” Just kidding but I know I will not be sleeping in

Good to see you again locknest4, sorry no tip for the stick fast lice but as usual, sounds like Fancy has come to the rescue

Anniebee I do not think you are a fusspot and getting onto any changes in them early can be the difference between life and death. Better that you took some precautions, researched and asked questions and she is OK now than leaving her for another day and her being worse.

I think I have mentioned this before but during the routine, supervised free range one afternoon, Dusty decided to ‘hide’ under the coop for the majority of it. She looked spooked but the rest of the gals were out in the garden, happily pecking away, no signs of illness, stress or fright.

As the afternoon went on, Dusty got worse, she would not come out from under the coop. It was a while ago now so I cannot remember all the symptoms but I think she had droopy wings etc but no signs of egg issues.

I popped her up on the roost with the gals for the evening and was very concerned for her overnight. The next morning I went out to check and she was happy as .. absolutely no signs of anything amiss.

I wondered if she had eaten something that ‘upset’ her or saw something that none of the others did. Anyways, maybe sometimes they can just eat something or feel a little ‘under the weather’ like we do.

Chooks01 .. never had a double yolker [yet] and definitely not a triple!

Did you see the ‘new’ links on the BYC Banner?

- According to the Guinness World Records spokesperson the largest egg laid by a (chicken) hen had 5 yolks, measured 31cm (12.2 inches) round the long axis, 22.8cm (9 inches) round the short axis and weighed nearly 340g (12 oz). He didn't say if the poor hen survived.

- The most yolks found in one chicken egg was 9! Imagine incubating that!

Teila .... thank you ... for helping me feel a little more at ease about my long epistles !! .... Writing can be mis-understood by many ( have fallen into that trap before ) so now I make everything I want to say, crystal clear ( I hope ), so's someone doesn't misunderstand or get their nappy in a knot. It can and does happen.

I remember very well, your story of Dusty, hiding under the coop about 3-4 weeks back ?. You were very worried, and she went on to be ok. I have fed the girls today hardboiled eggs with the shells finely crushed into it - mixed with plain yoghurt and raw rolled oats. I fed madam Molly out in the garden - she couldn't have cared less. FOOD ....
She and Mindy demolished theirs, and Mandy ate about a half, but at least she had the option, and was by herself. Will offer the other half to her later on, nice and cold from the fridge. Will keep a wary eye on her, though - she has always been a very odd chook anyway. Would you believe, I have never felt a full crop in her - in 3 years. Last night there was a little bit there - for digestion overnight. She is not like the other two who can have very full crops every evening, before bed. She is a very large bird with a large 'chest' .... somewhere in there is her crop !! It hides !!

Cheers .........
KiKi decided not to join them, but the rest of the gals had an afternoon bath .. shame about the stand for the solar panel in the way, but I still thought it was a fun shot; lots of room to bath in but nope, we all wanna fight and squabble over this patch. There are 5 gals in this shot:

And .. I think I found Bazza!!

This is my Rainbow Chilli tree in it's 'self-water-regulating' pot [check out the gap down the bottom]:

I think Bazza has a girlfriend! lol
[You can just make her out on the left]

KiKi decided not to join them, but the rest of the gals had an afternoon bath .. shame about the stand for the solar panel in the way, but I still thought it was a fun shot; lots of room to bath in but nope, we all wanna fight and squabble over this patch. There are 5 gals in this shot: And .. I think I found Bazza!! :lau This is my Rainbow Chilli tree in it's 'self-water-regulating' pot [check out the gap down the bottom]: I think Bazza has a girlfriend! lol :lau [You can just make her out on the left]
[/IMG] my layers tucking in for the night away from the foxes.
KiKi decided not to join them, but the rest of the gals had an afternoon bath .. shame about the stand for the solar panel in the way, but I still thought it was a fun shot; lots of room to bath in but nope, we all wanna fight and squabble over this patch. There are 5 gals in this shot: And .. I think I found Bazza!! :lau This is my Rainbow Chilli tree in it's 'self-water-regulating' pot [check out the gap down the bottom]: I think Bazza has a girlfriend! lol :lau [You can just make her out on the left]
Hehe, Babs. :D
[/URL] my layers tucking in for the night away from the foxes.
That's a very nice and secure looking fence you have there chicken-clucky.

@Teila I have definitely missed a lot if you are naming your cane toads now. Prepare for the onslaught of babies. : )

I moved the broody breaker into the run as it's covered & I thought it might rain overnight. I let the ladies out this morning and they haven't gone back on the nest today. When I checked late this afternoon everyone was in the coop for bedtime so I left them there. I'll see how it goes tomorrow but I'm hopeful that the broody patch is over. The only problem is that I only got one egg today so hopefully the others are not avoiding laying in the nest box now.
That's a very nice and secure looking fence you have there chicken-clucky.  

 I have definitely missed a lot if you are naming your cane toads now.  Prepare for the onslaught of babies.  : )

I moved the broody breaker into the run as it's covered & I thought it might rain overnight.  I let the ladies out this morning and they haven't gone back on the nest today.  When I checked late this afternoon everyone was in the coop for bedtime so I left them there.  I'll see how it goes tomorrow but I'm hopeful that the broody patch is over.  The only problem is that I only got one egg today so hopefully the others are not avoiding laying in the nest box now.  :/
was getting one or two eggs a day then I changed food and all three are laying

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