Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

The crew!


Jim the blue roo

Rosie, she loves Jim!

Daisy,Shadow,Goldie and Aurora

Daisy,Goldie, and Aurora the Araucana

Jim loves Daisy

Love the chickens and the green grass ;)
Good morning folks

Beautiful pics SilkieChickStar! Tee hee at the love triangle

Fancy I am sorry to read the remainder of the eggs did not make it

You know how they reckon you learn something new every day? Well, I sure did this morning.

So I am outside early morning feeding the gals and I see a pile of yellow goo sitting on the concrete, next to a retaining sleeper. I have no idea what it is and call hubby who pokes it with a stick and inside it’s slightly hardened exterior is this goo that looks like custard! It was a decent size and was not there last night when I went to bed.

Well, I have been on this planet for a few years now and I can honestly say that I have never encountered Shotgun [Artillery] Fungus .. thank you Google

Apparently this stuff explodes and scatters little black spores everywhere and if they attach to windows, walls etc, impossible to remove. I only saw the one pile and we disposed of it but now I wonder if there might be more I have not seen and what the chickens might think of it if they come across some; you would hope they would leave it alone
I could not find anything in relation to Shotgun Fungus and chickens and wonder if anyone else has experience in this area?
Good morning folks :frow Beautiful pics SilkieChickStar! Tee hee at the love triangle ;) Fancy I am sorry to read the remainder of the eggs did not make it :( You know how they reckon you learn something new every day? Well, I sure did this morning. So I am outside early morning feeding the gals and I see a pile of yellow goo sitting on the concrete, next to a retaining sleeper. I have no idea what it is and call hubby who pokes it with a stick and inside it’s slightly hardened exterior is this goo that looks like custard! It was a decent size and was not there last night when I went to bed. Well, I have been on this planet for a few years now and I can honestly say that I have never encountered Shotgun [Artillery] Fungus .. thank you Google ;) Apparently this stuff explodes and scatters little black spores everywhere and if they attach to windows, walls etc, impossible to remove. I only saw the one pile and we disposed of it but now I wonder if there might be more I have not seen and what the chickens might think of it if they come across some; you would hope they would leave it alone :confused: I could not find anything in relation to Shotgun Fungus and chickens and wonder if anyone else has experience in this area?
That's interesting. Can't say i have ever seen that before either.
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It can take silkies a while to get the whole roosting thing down pat. I've got some that still huddle on the floor.
The weather is finally clearing. No more chicks, I did an egg topsy yesterday they were fully formed but hadn't yet absorbed all of the yolk , so probably 24-48 hrs off hatching when disaster hit. My first job today is to bury the eggs.
I'm going to start the incubator up today and pop in a dozen gold laced Wyandotte. My hens are 7-8 years old so I think it's time to get some chicks from them while they are still laying.
Sorry to hear about the eggs. I can't wait to see baby Wyandotte's they are such beautiful chooks.

SilkieChickStar such beautiful chickens and I love your grass. Mine is green but the weeds are abundant at the moment.

Thanks Fancy Silly things I ended up putting their old hutch next to the door of the coop. After a little nudge they went back in there, it was raining last night so I didn't want the babies to get wet. I will leave the hutch there now. It wasn't big enough for them to stay in, but at least now they have the coop and hutch. I think I probably worry too much. My nephews chooks all roosted in trees and outside when I got them because that's what they did at his place. The nearly all go in now and roost in coops. So I'm sure they would be fine.
I am the meanest mum, I usually push my broodies out of the nest early in the morning and lock it off. This morning I push them out and the little leghorn was in there, yesterday she was just laying around on the ground, though she did get up and drink and eat. My husband said something was wrong, but with 5 broodies in there I thought she'd just gone broody too. Well I kicked her out, but she just laid on the ramp and wouldn't move.
I went in there and picked her up and she's not well poor thing. I've given her some water with a drop of ACV I hope she picks up during the day. But I have to go to work soon. Now I feel really bad if I'd listened to my husband I could have moved her last night.
Found my way over to this thread....

We live in Bundanoon, NSW where we run a animal rescue and rehabilitation service. While we focus on native animals (our license conditions) we do take in others that are in need where we can. Hence we have 3 chickens (ex battery), 1 gander, 2 geese and 11 goslings (at the moment). Not to mention the 4 eastern grey kangaroos, 4 ring tail possums currently in care.

We sit on 2 acres with a creek in the middle, it has water when it rains and has a few small pools for the geese to enjoy.

Thanks of the welcome, looking forward to learning and sharing.

When we are not looking after our animals, we are running a bicycle maintenance workshop, providing local nature tours, 4wd expeditions, photography tours, building local MTB trails and we are working on setting up our natural/native environment rehabilitation consultancy.....

Howdy purecaboose nice to meet you and welcome to BYC and this thread.

Wow .. you are busy! Kudos to you for running the rescue and rehabilitation service.

Your property sounds lovely and I hope you have time to share some photos.

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