Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

jessbonnitcha congrats on your little ones! Their father was a very handsome bird, Hamburgs are gorgeous chickens. Here's hoping for a rooster for you :)

I'm back to square one again, the coop door was left open and Esme violated parole. She didn't feel too hot though, so I don't think she was in there too long. The clucky is strong with this one though.
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Satay I hope you feel better soon. Nerve pain can be very debilitating.  I had it for 3 years before I had an op on my spine. I really feel for you.

devinandfeather  I was there too. I thought I recognized the ducklings. Did you find out who was selling them?  Maybe they could give you some info.

Fizzybelle  I love your helpers aren’t they just the most helpful.  ( helping themselves to worms  and getting under the shovel etc)

Annibee  Its funny how some dogs have to eat everything, it’s like our kids some put everything in their mouths and others don’t bother.  Were you given the opportunity to keep  Sonya?

Teila I hope you’re feeling well after being back at work for a couple of days.

alicexx  beautiful chooks

Hi unfortunately I never got to see the owner so no clue all I know is they are khakis did you sell anything or buy anything there
You can say that again MyHaven  it was very difficult ....

As mentioned before, I would not use negative reinforcement for her ( or for any dog ).  So I opted out of that, although declined to discuss it with the co-ordinator - I simply avoided the subject, diverting to other matters at the time.   However, I don't think I fooled her too much.   She probably realised I was not going to 'crate' Sonya as a punishment, and who knows - that may have aided them to decide on Sonyas'  ultimate designation - as not suitable for any category.  

That sort of negative, is so frightening for a dog / pup - and cannot possibly help any dog to a proper confidence - especially if in the assistance area of life which Sonya was required to be in.   You would recall our conversations about Miss Ruby - and her fear of peeing because of a micro-burst that happened in the back garden.   She eventually got over it, and is perfect now - - - except  when there is a howing wind.   She has never forgotten.  ... So I reassure her that I am with her, I stand very close by as she passes her water, reassuring her softly - to this day.    I do that to make her feel comfortable and secure.   Windless days are no problem at all. 

But -  - Sonya had problems from day 1, they were very evident - and I frankly never thought she would make an assistance dog, no matter what.  

I think their rapid reinforcement techniques ( across the board )  was all dictated by the need they have to get these dogs into further programming to become what they aim for, asap.    Assistance to the needy.   I have no problem with their concept - which is totally admirable.   ... It's the way they do it, and their expectations,  that I took exception to. 

It took them much more than a month to send a letter of thanks to us, for all we tried to do, after she had been returned.   .... hmmm. 

Cheers ~~~ 

AB, If they offered you another pup I don't think they worked out you weren't in agreement with their techniques.
AB, If they offered you another pup I don't think they worked out you weren't in agreement with their techniques.

Ummm ... I think I messed up the reply to this one !!!
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AB, If they offered you another pup I don't think they worked out you weren't in agreement with their techniques.

That's a very interesting comment MyHaven ... and I thank you for it.

I saw it as their acknowledgement ( considering the ultimate difficulties they'd had with most of her litter ) ... that there were problems from the get-go ... another puppy might be far more malleable, and without problems, than Sonya and her litter mates had. ... so - - - considering they are desperate for puppy raisers - they knew we looked after her well, trained her well ( in obedience ). To us, she came first for care, feeding, training and vet. attention etc. ( Miss Ruby took a lot of back seats at the time - she coped with it all admirably ).

It was Sonyas' specific nature, and inherited inclinations, that was difficult. IF she had been a one-off from the entire litter ( in being a nervy, badly scavenging pup ) - that would have been an entirely different matter, but she wasn't - they were all pretty much the same except for 1 .. and I don't think I mentioned anywhere here - she was head shy as well.

Why ? I haven't a clue. Fits in though with 'maybe' a neurological situation ? Then again, it could have come from the fact that she was delivered to us with diarrhoea and medications ( the whole litter had it when sent out to puppy raisers - according to the 'deliverer' ) - and had to ( as a wee puppy ) put up with Peptosyl introduced to the side of her mouth, twice a day - via a syringe. She hated the stuff, but I had to do it, and always re-inforced gentle coaxing and praise for her effort at taking it.

More elsewhere ....

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After my Welsummer rooster killed my Hamburg rooster I have been looking for a new rooster, but I couldn't find any. I remembered that you can still hatch eggs 2 weeks without a rooster so I put some of the hens eggs under a broody chock and they all successfully hatched!!
5 little hamburgs hatched last Thursday (along with 1 light Sussex) and for the first time EVER I actually want one of them to be a rooster.
Hopefully they look like their father

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I have 2 spangled hamburg girls and they are so quiet and my grandkids can pick them up they are gorgeous. So I can see why you would want a boy for your girls. I hope they look like dad he's so handsome.
Hi unfortunately I never got to see the owner so no clue all I know is they are khakis did you sell anything or buy anything there

I sold 2 hens of mine and 2 roosters for a friend.
I think I may have an Araucana rooster to go next week. Somebody crowed weakly this morning and they are the only young ones I've got.
The auctioneers will have a record of the sellers if they are regulars you may be able to talk to them. Do you go regularly?
Good morning folks

satay I hope the rest and meds are working and you are feeling better.

jessbonnitcha congratulations on the hatch .. I hope you get that rooster

Of 5 little banties I have 2 x broodies, Cilla & Blondie and 1 x moulter, Dusty.

Blondie spent the night planking on the nest box cover and Cilla spent the night sulking on the roost. Dusty does not usually moult until March but she has started dropping a few feathers the last couple of days.

The good news, with only Crystal likely to want to lay an egg, everyone has been kicked out of the coop and I will just let Crystal in if she whinges
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Good morning folks :frow

satay I hope the rest and meds are working and you are feeling better.

jessbonnitcha congratulations on the hatch .. I hope you get that rooster :fl

Of 5 little banties I have 2 x broodies, Cilla & Blondie and 1 x moulter, Dusty.

Blondie spent the night planking on the nest box cover and Cilla spent the night sulking on the roost.  Dusty does not usually moult until March but she has started dropping a few feathers the last couple of days.

The good news, with only Crystal likely to want to lay an egg, everyone has been kicked out of the coop and I will just let Crystal in if she whinges ;)  

Thanks mate. I'm going along not to bad the pins and needles drive me mad at times but I am getting there. :)

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