Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning folks

appps that is wonderful news that you have worked out Carl’s trigger

Kooka good to see you again. I agree with appps that your hen’s issue does sound crop related.

Interestingly the discussion is around moulting. In her 4 years Dusty has always moulted March/April but she is currently losing feathers in the head and neck region and some off her chest. Not her usual hard moult as yet but may be just the beginning.

We locked the girls up before the storm hit last night and we fared well. I hope those also affected suffered no damage.

I too spent the weekend filling up the garden bag with a vine.

See the front tree on the right with the pink flowers? That is actually a small bottlebrush [?] which was being choked by the vine. The vine was so heavy that it was pulling the three down and threatening to uproot it during a storm. The vine was also sending out shoots to the larger tree beside it. Because I did not want it choking another tree and the risk of it falling on the girls plus the added risk of the ripped out roots dislodging the fish ponds if the tree did give, I decided it was time it had to go .. only took 5 hours!

The bottlebush is not looking too healthy but I am pleased that I have liberated it and hopeful it will pick up now it is not being choked.

PS. As you can see, I had some little helpers
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Good morning folks :frow appps that is wonderful news that you have worked out Carl’s trigger :clap Kooka good to see you again. I agree with appps that your hen’s issue does sound crop related. Interestingly the discussion is around moulting. In her 4 years Dusty has always moulted March/April but she is currently losing feathers in the head and neck region and some off her chest. Not her usual hard moult as yet but may be just the beginning. We locked the girls up before the storm hit last night and we fared well. I hope those also affected suffered no damage. I too spent the weekend filling up the garden bag with a vine. See the front tree on the right with the pink flowers? That is actually a small bottlebrush [?] which was being choked by the vine. The vine was so heavy that it was pulling the three down and threatening to uproot it during a storm. The vine was also sending out shoots to the larger tree beside it. Because I did not want it choking another tree and the risk of it falling on the girls plus the added risk of the ripped out roots dislodging the fish ponds if the tree did give, I decided it was time it had to go .. only took 5 hours! The bottlebush is not looking too healthy but I am pleased that I have liberated it and hopeful it will pick up now it is not being choked. [/quo
Good morning folks :frow appps that is wonderful news that you have worked out Carl’s trigger :clap Kooka good to see you again. I agree with appps that your hen’s issue does sound crop related. Interestingly the discussion is around moulting. In her 4 years Dusty has always moulted March/April but she is currently losing feathers in the head and neck region and some off her chest. Not her usual hard moult as yet but may be just the beginning. We locked the girls up before the storm hit last night and we fared well. I hope those also affected suffered no damage. I too spent the weekend filling up the garden bag with a vine. See the front tree on the right with the pink flowers? That is actually a small bottlebrush [?] which was being choked by the vine. The vine was so heavy that it was pulling the three down and threatening to uproot it during a storm. The vine was also sending out shoots to the larger tree beside it. Because I did not want it choking another tree and the risk of it falling on the girls plus the added risk of the ripped out roots dislodging the fish ponds if the tree did give, I decided it was time it had to go .. only took 5 hours! The bottlebush is not looking too healthy but I am pleased that I have liberated it and hopeful it will pick up now it is not being choked.
Looks like bleeding heart vine maybe. I grow it out here but as you know we don't get enough rain for it to cause other problems.
@MyHaven The less yellow ones are probably splash. It's more a soft grey at that age.

This was my little splash. Greyish with yellow on the front.

Will all depend on what colour your rooster was as only certain colour combinations will give you the possibility of splash. So in a mixed pen he would need to be blue or splash. White doesn't work at all in the blue/splash/black breeding.

The whites are likely to be splash to splash breeding. They tend to dilute back to white over time.
It helps to breed a black blue back over your blues and splashes if you are wanting to darken the blues .

Thanks for that. They aren't mine so not sure of the roo. Free ranging I saw both a blue and white roo.

I am just surprised to see a different colour white. Kind of like a cool light versus a warm light. They are feathering out to be the same colour

Very cute chick Appps
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I hope everyone is having a good week and not too busy. I saw this and thought of everyone on this site. :lau So I have about 8 chickens now. :lau :lau
It depends on how big they need to be to count them. Going by those pics I have 3 grown ups, 3 middle size, 2 smaller and 4 babies. Real numbers are 8, 19, 9 and 25. There were more, but the overcrowding is culling the weaker ones.
It depends on how big they need to be to count them. Going by those pics I have 3 grown ups, 3 middle size, 2 smaller and 4 babies.

Agreed! I have two full sized chickens, one medium, and together Esmé and Beatrice probably make about half a full sized chicken. Or I could put the three together and have one super chicken, so that's three then, not five. I reckon the conversion rate on adult D'Uccles is 4 per full sized chicken - maybe five. Pekin's about 3 - 4 as they are bigger and rounder. Personality and noise wise though, bantam's are worth at least 2 full sized chickens. Either way, January is still new chicken month for me, dang it!

Also, I now have green spotted chickens. How? I was painting the fence.
I TRIED to stop them walking over the railings, but my flock are are the biggest sticky beaks in Brisbane. It was a thin water based wash, so no harm, just green feet and combs somehow, not sure how they managed that. I ended up with green spots too, but that I expected.
Fancy congratulations for your daughter winning the state title.

Fizzybelle Beatrice looks beautiful. I hate Maidenhair too, though I haven’t seen it for a long time. Green spotted chickens are a must in every house. I love how they are so curious. I know mine think everything is food everytime I go outside.

Satay I’m glad you got home in one piece the other day after the storm . It must have been scary. The old ute’s are indestructible, we had an old hilux it went through everything and came out fine.

Teila Poor bottlebrush though the vine did look pretty. Love the helpers.

Do we count chickens who are under 20 weeks? Are silkies 2 to 1 big chicken then. I only have 15 chickens then Haha
I lost poor BB last night. If you all remember he lost his spurs agers ago and couldn't walk for a long time. Odd thing is he seemed back to his old self for the last few weeks so I am really not sure what happened. R.I.P my boy Bidda will miss you.

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