Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I am beside my self .i just went to check my incurbators both were flashing H And were reading 39.8 I don’t know for how long .I think I may have cooked em .Andypandy

Gosh, I do get behind in replying - things seem all over the place on this newly constructed site ( but then it might be just me !! ). Hoping for the best and that not too much damage was done with high heat to your fertile eggs. Having said that and replied here, I no doubt will come across further information when I get thru the next 10 pages. Just wanted you to know I wish you all the best.

Cheers ~
Another blow last night. Went out to a friends for dinner came back and found all my marans and my 10 year old white faced black Spanish dead. Some gone alot just dead missiing heads. The foxes are sure determined this year as they dug under the concrete and the corro barrier. R.I.P girls. I have 1 3 week old female marans and a male left that didn't sell yet. Fingers crossed i can get them up to laying age.

That is so very sad .... such a shock for you. Foxes usually take the entire chicken. Feral cats will behead a chicken, as will ferrets ( those that have escaped domestic keeping and gone wild ) ... Large owls are known also to eat only the head - have only just learned these from googling ( and sorry for graphic descriptions ) ... but I can't imagine an owl doing any digging. Sounds very unusual what has happened in your coops / runs. Any way you can lock them up with no possible intrusion - at night ?

So sorry for your losses ......

p.s. ... I think I have answered this before ( or maybe one very similar ). Something distinctly odd about this site at the moment.
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Hi guys! Been a long time since I dropped in! Life and all that.
Have a question about a detached air cell. I only have 2 Pekins these days and one has gone broody so I got some eggs from my aunt who has the last of my original flock. Day 7 tonight, 6 in incubator 6 under hen, so far all bar one have good veining, one looks like an early quitter, but one with veining has a wonky aircell that moves when I tip it to one side. I’ve moved it in to the incubator for now but I was wondering if anyone knows the odds on these guys going well. What can I do to help knowing it’s already done 7 days under a hen, I remember reading something but can’t think where!? Love some advice please,
That is so very sad .... such a shock for you. Foxes usually take the entire chicken. Feral cats will behead a chicken, as will ferrets ( those that have escaped domestic keeping and gone wild ) ... Large owls are known also to eat only the head - have only just learned these from googling ( and sorry for graphic descriptions ) ... but I can't imagine an owl doing any digging. Sounds very unusual what has happened in your coops / runs. Any way you can lock them up with no possible intrusion - at night ?

So sorry for your losses ......

p.s. ... I think I have answered this before ( or maybe one very similar ). Something distinctly odd about this site at the moment.
There is something very strange about this site ATM, I'm getting alerts from July. :confused:
I don't think anything is normal with this site. I'm sorry they switched.
I don't think I posted that Bear killed another chicken on Thursday. He bit its head as it was eating the grass through the fence. I don't know what's got into him, I think he's blooded now. In 9 years he's never hurt them even when they free ranged around him.
4 chickens in 2 weeks Not Happy Jan. (rememeber those ads). On Saturday I went to Bunnings and bought some 1cm square wire to put up over the old fence. They can't get their heads out now.
On a happier note 1 duckling hatched today while I was at work. Now comes the fun of trying to identify what breed they are.
Sorry I can't help you Christie B maybe you can find some charts on google. Good luck.
I hope everyone and the feathered friends are doing well.
I have so many chicks hatching ATM, it a job in this heat keeping them and the garden alive. They are literally popping like popcorn. :celebrate
Hi all. Nice to see you all here! I'm from Tasmania,and have mainly Silkies and Game birds,plus some Beautiful Runner Ducks(thanks Ducky!!). Am a proud Mum tonight,my first Malay game that I bred hatched today,here's a photo(don't all proud Mums show photos?)

's the first three,there are more to come.
Welcome all! Look forward to getting to know you all!
They are sooo cute!
Popped the egg with wobbly aircell in a cut egg carton so it’s fat end up, so far it’s still developing, day 10 today.
Another dilemma though. They are due to hatch on the 3rd and I have to be in Brisbane (3 hours away) on the 4th so we were planning to go the night before. I don’t know what to do if they aren’t all hatched before I leave.!! Partner thinks I’m crazy because I said I want to just take the incubator with us lol.

Little silkie mumma looks so happy with the babies Fancy, how many do you have?

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