Australians - Where are you all????

Found the tablets online
not expensive and love the way you can treat each bird individually and by weight meaning less wastage and more accurate worming. God I love this forum! And thanks wooklet! Dont think my hens will be too impressed with me now though
That's because it's off label for chickens, but this is the dose they advise if you call them: 4ml per kilo given directly to the chicken. 7 days with holding eggs. Just use a syringe, pluck them off the roost at night to weigh and dose them into their mouth. That way they won't freak out or fight.

I recommend a head torch if you don't have someone else to hold the torch! lol
That's because it's off label for chickens, but this is the dose they advise if you call them: 4ml per kilo given directly to the chicken. 7 days with holding eggs. Just use a syringe, pluck them off the roost at night to weigh and dose them into their mouth. That way they won't freak out or fight.

I recommend a head torch if you don't have someone else to hold the torch! lol

That sounds even easier than the tablets! Do you have to fast them for 24 hours before and 3 hours after?
YEEEES. Honest.
I thought.. "Hmmm, this is a cattle person here. I better say the use the right word." but I didn't.
and yes I do have guineas, the numbers fluctuate somewhat though.


i was told guinea fowl can ''over-breed''. is that true?

not in this instance
our numbers went from...
so now we're back where we started
and i'm thinking we might not have any boys left
I didn't because it doesn't say to for any other birds on the label, also because I did it at night they're not going to eat for hours anyway!

I don't think it's safe to fast any bird unless you're planning to eat it. They have such high metabolisms the really should have access to food at all times (except night). Just my opinion though.

i was told guinea fowl can ''over-breed''. is that true?

not in this instance
our numbers went from...
so now we're back where we started
and i'm thinking we might not have any boys left

what happend to them all?

prepare the defences! chooks! if you see a person who looks like a guinea fowl! ATTACK!!!
i have....... broodies!

my turn to *GASP*
I DO NOT look like a guinea fowl

and I have broodies too. I'll bring them with me.

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