Australians - Where are you all????

Hello again Princesswalkee
It is called 'Brisbane Northside Produce' and is located at 563 Albany Creek Road @ Bridgeman Downs. Last time I was there (a month or so ago) they had quite a few pullets including silkies and frizzles; real cute also. They also have heaps of other animals, parrots, goats, pigs etc. The bantams and silkies start at around the $40 each mark I think. They are open Saturdays and Sundays also .. in my opinion, definitely worth a look
Hi, yes that's the one. It used to be at Carseldine. Yes the Frizzles are cute too and Teila is right, they are normally $40. It is hard to part with them when you get babies that turn out to be boys. Suburbia annoys me, you can drive a Motorbike up the street and wake the dead at 2am but you can't have a rooster.

Let us know how you get on. I'm out of feed and will be going their Monday. I'll check what they have for you - not that they seem to sit on stock. It always turns over quickly.
Hi, yes that's the one. It used to be at Carseldine. Yes the Frizzles are cute too and Teila is right, they are normally $40. It is hard to part with them when you get babies that turn out to be boys. Suburbia annoys me, you can drive a Motorbike up the street and wake the dead at 2am but you can't have a rooster.

Let us know how you get on. I'm out of feed and will be going their Monday. I'll check what they have for you - not that they seem to sit on stock. It always turns over quickly.
My neighbour and I were talking about chickens the other day and he mentioned that someone in the area has a rooster as he has heard it in the morning. I haven't heard it .. I have, however, heard the obscenities my constantly arguing neighbours throw at each other, barking/howling dogs, screaming children, squealing tyres etc etc ... it does make you wonder!

The last time we were at Northside Produce, the black cat was sleeping in the bird feature with parrots and budgies all around him/her, not the slightest bit interested in hurting them .. so cute!

Sarah, yes, please let us know how you get on
@ selling your flock chic-a-deee.
What a good idea .. unfortunately, besides the Brisbane City Council's veto on Roosters and that I leave for work just after 6am and get back around 4pm; I think my poor patient hubby would draw the line at a Rooster. I still think that with all the noise in our neighbourhood, people should be able to have a rooster if they want ... it wouldn't bother me but then my hubby reckons I am a chicken stalker lol.
Good luck with the move and hopefully it won't be long before you have some more chookies
:( @ selling your flock chic-a-deee. What a good idea .. unfortunately, besides the Brisbane City Council's veto on Roosters and that I leave for work just after 6am and get back around 4pm; I think my poor patient hubby would draw the line at a Rooster. I still think that with all the noise in our neighbourhood, people should be able to have a rooster if they want ... it wouldn't bother me but then my hubby reckons I am a chicken stalker lol. Good luck with the move and hopefully it won't be long before you have some more chookies
Absolutely, I know what you mean and I shouldn't get started on it but it is very sad that people complain about natural sounds and smells but the mechanical notices and pollution are accepted. Not to mention the
Absolutely, I know what you mean and I shouldn't get started on it but it is very sad that people complain about natural sounds and smells but the mechanical notices and pollution are accepted. Not to mention the

Sorry I hit the wrong button on this mobile. I meant to say -
People complain about the natural sounds and smells of chooks but the mechanical noises and pollution are accepted. They have no idea what they are missing.
Not to mention the other side of it with some neighbours general lack of consideration as you say.
Hi We are in Cairns and am just needing some advice. We are new to the keeping chickens and have 2 Araucana's 14 weeks old, a light sussex and a Rhode Island Red. Recently one of our Araucana chicks has started making a quacking noise. She is healthy from what we can see in every other way and though we thought of the possibility of it turning into a crow it has remained as a quack. Has anybody experienced anything like this?


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