Australians - Where are you all????

Hey Allicoop basically just starting to take an interest in them. Have 5 Isa Browns ! gl Wyndotte Nd 4 bantams that are 8 weeks old today.Do you have many ,and what breeds are they?
I have always had chooks growing up, and my kids had had 1 or 2 over the years, but it wasn't until 6 months ago that my interest in the different breeds grew. At the moment I have a silky and frizzle that are both laying, 14week old buff Sussex, Sussex and australorp. I did my first incubation 6 weeks ago so i now have a silver campine, gl Wyandotte, Plymouth rocks, leghorns and silkies...19 babies in total (6 weeks old). I know I have at least 3 roosters won't know for many months about the silkies. My husband and I are discussing a possible move to an acre block very soon, maybe near bunbury or busso. I'm so excited maybe I will add to my flock.....and be able to keep my roosters.......sorry to ramble on.. but to think 6 months ago I only had 1 chook......
I'm in Perth. Nice to see a few Western Australians. I am just starting out with chickens and i love this community on BYC.
I'm 270km south east of Perth, Western Australia.
Hi Sunny Side and other WA'ers.
We've had chooks since we moved to our property 5 years ago, but this year we are finally following our dream of raising proper meat breeds and starting to expand our chooks to the full heritage breeds and raising chicks.
Next year we are going to venture into hatching chicks out :)
RELUCTANT about getting chickens, are you CRAZY man???????????

They are so amazing they'll keep you occupied for hours.
They will bring out you creative and constructive juices.(building roosts, laying box designs etc,etc).
You will see so much that you would never expect from a chicken, trust me its FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!.
Wonderful fresh FREE eggs they are so good.
Great for children they will love them and it will show them how to look after things/animals properly and it just all round excites them and keeps them stimulated and doing something.
Depending on how many your getting feed is relatively cheap and will last.
Chicks are adorable!!!!!!!!!!
Even, get this Even washing out the roost and cleaning the run is FUN(dont ask me why, it just is).
Doesn't smell unless your physically put your nose in it(well for me it doesn't).
They look great in your garden(almost like decoration, if you get all different colours).
I'm sure neighbors will love benefiting from eggs(my neighbors buy the eggs off me (i have 23 hens) so that covers feed and other stuff- e.g-medicines, etc etc and a bit of lovely profit).
AND THERE ARE MANY MANY MANY MORE PROS, so chickens are a great asset to have around im sure you'll make the right decision by getting some,,,,,,,,,,, or more or more:p !!!!!!!!!!

(there are non eheh;) )

O.K to be honest,
Roosters are noisy (if you dont have neighbors dont worry then)
They can depending on how many you have and your lifestyle be a bit of work especially building a run roost nest boxes etc etc(but i personally found it all fun)
They can be quite frustrating Ive found because they basically do what they wont nothing like a dog(eg- escaping and when your trying to catch one, but if you hatch and then raise them they should be plenty tame).

and that's honestly all I can think of, there's really nothing i dont like about them, but dont just listen to me get some more advice and make the right decision according to you, your husband and your lifestyle.


Success! We got 2 pullets yesterday - a silkie and a Spitzhauben, both about 5 weeks old. Starting small, but want to pick up a few more today! :) thanks for your help!

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