Australians - Where are you all????

I live in Esk which is not far from there.

Oh really? Did you get any flood damage?

No we didn't here . We live high on a hill so just got cut off for a week. Esk township 8kms from here did.
No to the roosters but may be interested in some australorp eggs. If you have any send me a pm. Thanks
Oh really? Did you get any flood damage?

No we didn't here . We live high on a hill so just got cut off for a week. Esk township 8kms from here did.

Glad that you weren't affected :) Yeah I saw it on TV =/
Just thought I should mention for any Victorian Members.... there is an upcoming Auction held by the Footscray Poultry club. To be held on the 27th of Feb at Bacchus Marsh. I am one of the members helping to organise the day so if you would like to know more- or to view a list of what has been advised as being for sale on the day please feel free to contact me.
No to the roosters but may be interested in some australorp eggs. If you have any send me a pm. Thanks

I don't have any eggs just 2 month old birds. I hatched them without thinking and now I'm running out of room, FAST. so I need to get rid of some if not all of them.
What has hapened to the weather lately???? Its 1 am and I cant sleep...Its so humid here in Melbourne- Its raining outside but still just so hot. In 12 years of living here- I cant remember a night like this. Hot - yes- but not with humidity like this that continues on throughout the night.

Floods , cyclones and fires.... We have had an interesting ( Sad and devastating ) start to the year- but I hope the weathers settles back to a more normal pattern soon.
When we first came to Tassie (8 years ago) there was no humidity - heaven after living in Sydney, but now it seems to be a regular occurence,and we've had another day of non-stop rain. The weather has gone mad and according to the"experts" is going to get worse, heaven forbid! Hope you managed to get some sleep in the end,Ducky.

And now a WARNING!!
You know those sticky flypapers you hang from the ceiling and the flies stick to them? I had one in the new cubby house where I have put all the young(under 4 months old) chicks, I also had an old wooden stepladder there as a roost for them. Well, one of the chicks, climbed to the top of the stepladder,launched himself(at least that is what I assume happened) and went straight into the sticky paper. His weight would have broken the hanger, but I found him wrapped up in sticky paper. Has anyone ever tried to take that stuff off a chicken?? It was awful,and I must have pulled half his feathers off with it,poor little mite, he can't fly because his remaining feathers have all that glue on them and are stuck together. Any suggestions as to how to get it off? It was too late to give him a bath, but I will try that in the morning. But no more sticky flypapers in chicken coops for me! I've always used them, but this time they caused more trouble thgan they are worth. Just thank goodness it wasn't a Silkie!!
Firstly I must apologise for the smile on my face and few chuckles while I read you above post wooklet. The poor little guy- it must have been a very uncomfortable experience. I dont really know how you could get it off apart form giving him a wash with a mild detergent. It might be an on going thing- as if you cant get the glue off- he is going to get very dirty quickly from things sticking to him.

We have some new sticky mats at work. Its sticky silver plastic sheets that we have to work on before entering the parts of the building that have just had new carpet laid. Each time you walk across it- it takes the dust of the soles of your shoes and is quickly dirty with all the foot traffic- but remains sticky enough to keep using all day. There is about 30 of them in a pile and you just peel off each sheet as its no longer sticky. Great idea- but I was worried about how many bugs and beetles may get stuck to it. So far I havent seen any get stuck- so it must not be as sticky as the fly paper.

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